Trump's home raided by FBI agents (Part 1)

just listen to yourself.

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Then no information is classified because it all belongs to us.

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They didn’t lie in court about this matter and they can send as many agents as they see fit. And LOL that law enforcement should not be armed.

Garland kept this whole drama under wraps for months. We knew nothing of a subpoena sent in June. We knew nothing of the subpoena for the security camera footage. We knew nothing about for most of Monday until Trump informed the world it was happening.

When Trump was informed but he Archives that he had material he was not supposed to have, the rational action was to turn it over to the Archives. He didn’t and here we are.

It does need to be archived. Trump was, for whatever reason but I am sure that it is insane, keeping that from happening.

Getting a search warrant was the final step in a series of very many steps to try to politely retrieve these records.

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EO 13526

That is what says what the responsibility of the records department is and what it’s responsibility is for classification. Did Trump write another EO changing it?

Yeah it sounds really stupid when I repeat what you guys are saying with different actors doesn’t it?



The government isn’t a business and the President…. Even while in office… does not own what is held in trust to the people of the United States

No - even keeping this analogy afloat, that’s not accurate at all.

For example, I own single shares of stock in a number of large corporations - and yet, I do not have access to their corporate documents.


Does this really need to be explained?

And I bet the CEO doesn’t check in with you before taking things home either does he?

I am now convinced that you are pulling our leg.

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You are misunderstanding the issue.

While Trump was President, there was nothing stopping from taking documents “home” with him.

But he’s not the President anymore - and those documents don’t belong to him.

or just spinning wildly to distance the conversation from that actual events.


and they are still classified.

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Isn’t ignoring previous admins EOs all the rage?

Or is it only wrong when trump does it, and not when Biden does it with immigration policy? Goose and gander and all that.

Yeah. You are pulling our leg

Answer for what?

The big question now is will the trump team object to the unsealing of the warrant.

After all the MAGA belly aching yesterday about the warrant, will he actually allow it to be released?

Then show me Executive Order # that gives the Archivist this authority.