Trumps "great" economy is falling apart

Something worth celebrating: this marks 104 consecutive months of jobs growth!


I’ll be OK with that as a glass half-full moment. I’ll still be critical of the current policies, but it could be worse!

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I keep hearing from Trump and republicans that farmers are willing to suffer for the greater good. According to trump and republicans they don’t mind struggling. Besides, we can just keep bailing them out with billion dollar welfare bills.

Yay America!

This is nuthin. You shoulda been at the old forum during the Obama years.

Any report of less than 250K jobs would trigger four pages of “fail!” “participation rate” “we need at least 300K new jobs each month just to keep up with population growth” “the real unemployment rate is 42%” “the numbers only look good because they stop counting people when their benefits run out” “Obama admin has cooked the books to disguise his epic failure” and on and on and on.


High five!

I was there. I remember.


High five.

FWIW, every month for the past three or four years on another social media platform, I make a post that celebrates the continuation of this streak. Positive jobs numbers are one thing that all Americans can celebrate. I don’t know why others (on that other social media platform) don’t pay attention to this streak. It’s more relevant to real life than whether your fantasy football quarterback does a sports thing.

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Yikes. Definitely time for the gym.

Great post! I agree.

Yay you!

High 10. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed::raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed::love_you_gesture:

They are true!

The economy that Donald Trump inherited is about like the money he inherited from mommy and daddy.

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Did Obama have the same Fed Rate as Trump?
Did Obama have any quantative easing that Trump doesn’t have?

Imagine if Obama hadn’t had the easing and had the fed raising rates.

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Did Trump have the recession Obama inherited?

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Obama had it so easy, i would have killed to have a recession when i became president. I would have been so great. I would have put huge tariffs on the recession until the recession accepted a better deal.

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Imagine if Trump inherited the economy in the same shape Obama did

Just pointing out that interest rates didn’t start to go up until the last year of Obama and continued to go up under Trump. Fed’s decided to slow the economy.

Even with all the interest rate hikes, and NO easing. Trump has maintained the same pattern (according to the graph) as Obamma did.

And Imagine if he did and the Fed dropped the rate to as close to zero as possible and did quanative easing. Then imagine Trump trying to kill as much over regulation as possible and I wonder what would have happened (and not tell people during a recession – your electric rates will necessarily skyrocket under my plan).

Or imagein the low rates, quantative easing, AND tax cuts for millions of americans?

Two things:

-If there are 7 million unfilled jobs, then how do you reconcile BUT ILLEGALS ARE STEALING AMERICAN JOBS!

-Why aren’t wages growing more quickly?