Trumps "great" economy is falling apart

Good one! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::crazy_face:

What would happen if the Fed decided to keep interest rates near zero and another recession happens? Are you saying the rates shouldn’t be raised once a recovery happens?

If you want to play “what if,” what if Trump hadn’t enacted tax cuts which have been of little benefit or decided to play tariff games?

Umm NO. Image going back to Obama and it was Trump instead. Say the interest rates were low. . . . would they have needed quantative easing if a person who wanted less regulations (aka lower costs for businesses) was in office?

Comparing Trump and Obama is comparing apples to oranges. That the graph has remained the same with how many rate increases since Trump was elected tells you what?

Never mind the fact that economy was also unstable under Obama…as that one poster posted. Look at high and lows that happen.

Also I can’t help wondering the reason behind the job growth is because lack of workers. There is just as many job opening as prior months if I’m not mistaken. And wages are still raising.

Yeah it’s totally harder to keep up the progress made than completely turning around a recession. :thinking:

No he didn’t…but usually coming out of large recession you see explosive growth afterwards. That never materialized under Obama.

This post is so uninformed.

What are you basing this on?

I’m not saying I agree, but I thought it was “obama’s economy”.

What changed??

Kind of hard to use that talking point effectively next to the one you like to use about illegals stealing all of our jobs

Oh so this is more of a “if Trump were in there instead of Obama, he would have done it better” argument? OK…

What is the definition of explosive growth?

Your the one who brought up Obama compared to Trump economy.

So I gave you a what would have happened then

Can you show an example of explosive growth after a recession that nearly crippled the financial industry that backs all capitalist ventures worldwide? Combined with millions who lost their jobs and a lack of investment to recoup those jobs due to that crippled financial sector? Combined with millions that lost their homes? Combined with millions of boomers near the brink of their retirement age?

I’ll take slow and steady for almost 10 years straight over that “explosive growth” that’s not sustainable.


No amount of deregulation would have taken the toxic assets off of the balance sheet of banks that were the backbone of capitalist ventures. So yeah, if Trump would have replaced Obama and he would have blocked the Fed from QE, we would have been royally ■■■■■■■

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A poster said that growth under Obama was never like it was under Trump. I posted a simple graph showing job growth by year. That’s the extent of it.

Yes. All the millions of manufacturing jobs that Obama claimed were gone and not returning were brought back by Trump. Plus several million more. That’s one example. I have more if you would like. But you won’t get them from CNN and the other Trump hating networks.

You are woefully misinformed. 352,000 new manufacturing jobs is not millions

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Whiff. For what month are you quoting? According to Forbes. Trump created ten times the number of manufacturing jobs that Obama did. There is the indicator you were asking for. Another is the 3.6 percent unemployment rate. The lowest in over 50 years. CNN is not serving you well.

All of those things existed because of a huge global failure in the credit markets leading to a freefall in the economy.

Did President Trump have to deal with such a thing?