Trump: We're trying to find out' who the whistleblower is."

Pompeo was on the call?

This just gets better. Every. Single. Day.

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Right- laws protecting whistleblowers are just creating a nation of ■■■■■■■.

“A lot of people are saying it’s true”

It’s pathetic really, but not unexpected.

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Please…Nebraska is more of a conservative than most of the conservatives in Washington are right now.

Respect @NebraskaFootball. Respect


Trump is brave enough to lie to our faces instead of telling the truth while keeping his identity hidden. The hero we need.

As of yet his story seems to be true. I havent seen any discrepancy.

Everyone needs to know the identity of the traitor and his confederates.

We already know about fanboy adam schiff.


Why do we need to know the whistleblowers identity? The claim has been said to have merit.

Why? What did they do that is traitorous? Do you even know?

So, you believe the whistleblower should be executed?

Because the whole point of whistleblower protection laws are to prevent those being “whistled” on from retaliating against the “blowers”.

He already did that, in the report.

Of course you do. But wishes and wants…

Is defending Trump so important that you need to act like his lawyer?

We all see who Trump has hired. This isn’t news to anyone.

For the same reason someone decided to invade Comet Ping-Pong with an AR, to save the “children” locked in the non-existent basement.


Not sure I understand this argument. Are you saying this man shouldn’t be protected because unrelated conservatives have recieved death threats?

Your priorities appear to be at “defend Trump at all costs”.

So you’re not really in a position to talk.


Just the ones where he misused the power of his office for personal political gain.

See, that’s the problem. You think this man needs to be punished.

It’s quite literally the law. Have you guys finally given up on the whole “law and order” thing, and are finally being honestly authoritarian?

I know its hard to understand these days. But “conservative” doesn’t mean “Trump sycophant”.


Problem is…Nothing was done to merit the accusations.

We have the transcript AND the word and cooperation of the Ukrainian side.

There is that.


NOT a whistler. False label.

No first hand content…NONE.


You keep saying that despite it not being true


So say the official White House talking points.


You mean when the Ukrainian President stated that he felt pressured by Trump’s call?

Or the multiple Ukrainian prosecutors who have said that Hunter Biden committed no crimes?

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You should Schiff who had to make up a story in the official record.

We can keep this banter up as you like.


The ones that say there was nothing there?

You can call it whatever you want until you faint, but he/she is a whistleblower.