I can guarantee you that China is absolutely aware of who Trump is, what power he has and what power he only thinks he has, and his total lack of understanding of economics, history, foreign policy or how his own government and administration works. And how to use that to get whatever they want.
whatever facts you think are being ignored are not irrelevant but are only a small piece of the considerations that are in play.
I can’t really help you with nonlinear thinking but maybe -just maybe- your consideration of the material in this link, as a metaphor, may open your eyes.
The point of sanctions is to cripple. That’s the intended effect. I mean, after all the talk of Chinese companies stealing US technology, it appears the sanction was having the intended effect.
Now we just undo that? Man, you guys just gobble down whatever Trump drops down your throat.
When you’re crate training a puppy, you don’t let it out of the crate as soon as it starts whining. If you go open the door as soon as the puppy cries, now you’re teaching the puppy how to get what it wants from you. The puppy starts to take charge. Trump’s buddy, Presideny Xi, is proving who’s really in control when it comes to world affairs.
I want them to stop doing that. I want fair trade. I want the country to prosper but not at my expense like in times past. Training a dog is not the same as killing the dog. You do understand the difference…correct?
What, pray tell, were the effects of sanctions against China supposed to accomplish in the first place? It appears they were having the intended effect against mean old, technology-stealing.
Imposing sanctions to change a country’s behavior is not the same as choking a person to get what you want. You do understand the difference…correct?
I attempted to make it elementary for my teaching friend to understand. I apologize for the over estimation and if you’ll wait a minute, I’ll come up with an example more preschool.
Well, what we’ve learned from this little back and forth is that you aren’t very good at creating analogies.
The entire point of a sanction is to punish a country for “bad behavior.” And to change the behavior. The entire point of sanctions against China was to change their behavior, not kill them. ZTE engaged in the very behaviors we were trying to change, and they were super reliant on US imports, so of course they were going to be greatly affected by the sanctions. If we rush to immediately provide relief to the sanctions when they’re DOING THE JOB THEY WERE INTENDED TO DO, then the purpose of the sanctions has been completely defeated.
How do you not see this? I mean…you realize Trump, and you, are literally now kowtowing to China. Let that sink in.
Now back to the sanctions-so when they do the job they’re supposed to do, what does it teach the nation on which they were imposed when we immediately start pulling back on them?
PS: China thanks you and Trump for your obedience. The switcheroo has been activated-you THOUGHT you were the master teaching the puppy to stay in the crate, but it turns out Trump and his supporters are the ones being played. No one is surprised.
Of course. When you’re no longer able to defend Trump, tuck tail and walk back into the crate-President Xi is teaching you to just accept it without a fuss.
Trump Orders Help For Chinese Phone-Maker After China Approves Money For Trump Project Trump will profit from Indonesian resort project that will get $500 million in Chinese loans in a deal sealed days before before his tweet ordering help for ZTE.
Don’t like this source, find your own. The truth is out there. To quote Trump - “It’s called Play for Pay, and it’s totally illegal.”