Great Circles.....This ocean path will take you on the longest straight-line journey on Earth


QUESTION: Which of they two lines above (top line or bottom line) indicates the shortest route a plane could take from NY to Madrid?
ANSWER: The top line

My grandfather a merchant marine ship’s captain was fond of explaining trivia, to his children and grandchildren. (Time and again he explained that chicken poop has potentially 5 times the commercial value of chicken eggs). People would make fun of his little hobby (I guess we ‘poo-pooed him,’ for it. :laughing:), but when he explained “Great Circles” we never doubted he was right.

Anyway, the blue line (below) shows the longest all ocean journey you could take on earth while maintaining a straight path.

Now you can die in peace, you really do know everything.

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it’s the geodesic on the two dimensional manifold in 3-space.