Trump trial thread

What’s plan B?

With prejudice. :rofl:


lol. sentencing today in one hour.

convicted felon Trump coming up.

has a nice ring to it.


here is the SCOTUS order allowing todays sentencing.


Look at the losers squeal over a convicted felon being a better man than them. :wink:



You guys are setting yourselves up for disappointment yet again.

You think you’d learn.

But no worries. I will be here to point and laugh.

President Trump*

The asterisk is irrelevant.


You called him a felon before the sentencing. You will call him a felon after the sentencing. I cited lawfare before the sentencing and will continue to cite lawfare.
Nothing has changed.


the convicted felon takes office on 1-20-2025.

until the president-elect.


Did anyone accurately predict the sentence the Judge ultimately gave Trump?

I had to google what an unconditional discharge was

Yep. Can hardly wait till January 20.

And it is still all moot, as Trump will win on appeal.


It’s what is used when the whole thing was a farce that didn’t work and is going to get tossed on appeal.


So, we elected a felon over the two imbeciles the democrats tried to stick us with?

Sucks for them.


It basically holds the decision of the jury to convict in tact, while essentially giving no punishment for the conviction.

In a way, it proved one of Trump’s points - there is a 2 tier system of justice in the US. If you have money and / or power and can afford good lawyers (like Trump), you get away with stuff with a dismissed case or a slap on the back if there is a conviction. For the average Joe like us, if you do the crime, you do the time.


Tell me next time you are prosecuted for calling payment of a non disclosure agreement a legal expense used to cover up an unspecified other crime. No one would notice or care if you called a non disclosure agreement a legal expense…or object to it.


people realize the true nature of these “convictions” now just fyi

and so he got elected. easily

none of this bs worked. got a plan z?


Umm - I use to be a forensic accountant. I spent a good portion of my career helping prosecutors prepare such cases for court. It’s all in HOW the accounting was done. Calling fraudulent accounting entries “expenses” is one of the most popular forms of committing financial crimes. It’s one of the things that brought down both Enron and Arthur Anderson.

Were there victims who actually lost money in those cases?


Trump wasn’t charged for calling a payment for a NDA a legal expense a crime.

Trump didn’t pay for the NDA Cohen did. Cohen then billed invoiced for a “retainer” that didn’t exist for “services” not performed.

The crime that Trump committed was specified and involved laundering money through his business for Cohen’s ficticious “invoices”. The specificed crimes were Felonious Business Fraud.

If you mean what crime was Trump trying to hide? It was Cohen’s Federal Campaign Fraud for which he was charged and convicted.

Trump wasn’t charged with having an NDA.


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