Trump trial thread

Right. Hush money. :rofl:


“Possibly” is really carrying a lot of weight there, isn’t it?

Don’t you guys ever feel embarassed when you’re played for suckers?

I read the Breitbart article you posted. I suppose you posted it in jest.

So I ask slightly differently; I promise I will never vote for anyone who used an NDA to cover up an offer. Will you join me in that pledge?

Its just a questions, did the nanny sign an NDA, when did she sign an NDA, what was she paid?

why lie? I didn’t post any Brietbart article

oh, yeah, its you


Did Donald Trump murder any homeless people in Manhattan in 1987? How many hobos did he kill? Where did he bury the bodies?

Just asking questions.

yes, yes, we know, you have no curiosity at all unless its to serve your TDS


You mean wishcasting.

Nearly the opposite of curiosity, in a way.

My response was to Camp, who had posted a Breitbart article. If you jumped in, it might have helped if you had read the thread.

You seem to have a weird obsession with attacking me.

why lie? your response was to me

Your so vain you probably think this post is about you.

I explained what happened. Get over it.

no, you lied and said you replied to someone else and then tried to blame me for you replying to my post.

If you need to continue this content free rant feel free to carry on, but I see no need to continue to respond. Perhaps someone is entertained by your ceaseless content-free denunciations.

and yet you did? Go figure

Seems like judge Juan Merchan didn’t want to give Trump election boost…so he delayed sentencing until after election.

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I have a feeling that if Merchan did impose a sentence today that there would also be a complaint about it.


Or he didn’t want to give Trump any excuses when he loses the election.

Sentencing can wait.

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Or he’s looking at the good possibility Trump gets re-elected and a Trump DOJ might not be as forgiving as the 45 admin and Hilldawg getting a pass.


Lock Him Up!


Or not.

Merchan granted Trump’s request to file a motion to dismiss the case, ordering his legal team to submit their papers by December 2, and prosecutors have a week to respond.

He’s going to dismiss it.