Trump Tower meeting Russian lawyer admits she was paid informant to the Kremlin

It is both an insult and a sexist remark.We are DONE in this thread, buddy.


It was neither. All he did was make the comparison that you are acting like a battered wife which is exactly what you’re doing.

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Errr…he wasn’t a president. And that is ENTIRELY my point. He was a NY playboy and 12 years younger and less wise. Maybe you should be castigating all the PRESIDENTS who were unfaithful WHILE IN OFFICE - MOST of them in recent years being DEMS, as an aside - before you concern yourself with the possible sex life of a private citizen,12 years ago. It might make you look less the hypocrite with a selective outrage.

It truly unseemly how much you guys wallow in someone else’s nookie. Bunch of gossips. How do you do it without gagging?


It’s like Rove’s indictment for war crimes. Any day now… .

To what again? Spy For the Russians. Supposedly of course.

Steele was a Russian operative. He was hired specifically for his connections in Moscow.

If you want to quibble over his citizenship then fine, He’s a foreign citizen working Russian contacts.

And Hillary’s campaign actually paid them for “information”.


“things of value” is a ridiculously nebulous term. If words are now illegal to exchange without breaking campaign finance laws we need to repeal the law.

You left out the key part. It wasn’t simply “words” it’s " words from a foreign government" that are illegal. Foreign interests have no place in US election

You can make that claim till hell freezes over but you can’t possibly show it to be true.

If that is the case Hillary belongs behind bars along with everyone else associated with the damned Steele dossier.

Your post.

Sure you do.

It’s done all the time. It’s called getting rid of a nuisance. Big companies and wealthy people have a bank of lawyers who make NDAs all the time and all they MEAN is that someone was a nuisance NOT worth fighting anymore or at all.


Yes, pointing out your creepy obsession with things that are really none of your business.


I mistakenly thought they’d get over this tantrum within a year or so of the election.

I guess rage is all they have left.

You’re just flat WRONG.

Information is NOT a thing of value in and of itself. If it was then anyone who ever quoted a foreign newspaper during a campaign would be in violation of the law and any foreign press reporter who ever released that information would be in jail.

Ever see that happen?

You CANNOT make a law that contradicts the 1st Amendment. If you PAY for someone to write something for the campaign that is a thing of value - you know, like a dossier, for instance - or a campaign flyer or a speech. And if a foreigner does that for you then you are in trouble.

Collecting information for free is NOT a thing of value. It is free information that the 1st Amendment protects you to see and hear and most importantly, to disseminate as you wish. You cannot STOP IT, with laws - even campaign laws.

You have already been told this before. If you disagree then EXPLAIN why no foreign press reporter or foreign government dignitary is ever jailed for revealing “things of value” that a campaign can use any time they want to.


Really? So if a foreign reporter does a story on a US election that I find favorable to my candidate - you know, like PRAISE for the positions of my candidate - or even a foreign LEADER praises the positions of my candidate, I CANNOT quote them according to you???

Since WHEN was the 1st amendment retracted? I didn’t get the memo.

And since when is the way our candidates are viewed by foreign people and foreign governments NOT IMPORTANT to any American voter?

Someone should tell Barak Obama, who made some overseas trips during the election, in order to polish his reputation as a foreign policy expert…because what they THOUGHT of him was illegal for us to know, according to you.


Information is a “thing of great value” for sure but I absolutely do not believe anyone can make the argument that information coming from foreign sources used in an election would violate any law.

Hell, has the First Amendment been repealed?

That reminds me of all the squalling from the dem’s about how Trump was such a joke overseas and how our allies would never trust him, all of the quotes of foreign leaders saying unkind things about him yada, yada, yada were tossed out during the election by the democrats.

Shall we jail all of them?

Nah Dude thats you projecting your fantasy. I could care less about Trumps sex life. Its pretty gross. I care about a man who pays a blackmailing whore $130K. Why you are OK with that is beyond me.

Integrity. A Man who pays some woman $130K to keep her mouth shut is not much of a man.