Trump to impose tariffs on Mexico

No problem…I keep you informed so I can can be informed

Mexico better fix this problem or the tariffs will get 10% higher.


Free market bigotry

How will Mexico be impacted by this? The tax falls on the American consumer.

At some point Mexico’s exports will become too expensive for Americans to import. That will severely impact their economy.

And ours.

It will also severely impact our economy.

Tariffs on Chinese goods I get, the trade deals are uneven. This seems like a useless move.

Well this is an economic policy decision based on a bigot’s immigration platform, so yeah… you can own it.

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What is it with you LIBs? No one knows exactly how this plays out. Why do you always insist on trying to make me see things your way.

Here is a fact.

We will both find out how this all goes down together.

A market without “free” trade isn’t a “free” market.

Eleventy dimensional elitism!

I prefer watching for icebergs and avoiding them; you can go ahead and have fun in the water begging for part of Rose’s door.


All I did was respond to your post.

Guess I struck a nerve. I guess I apologize for responding to a post you made.

I wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings.

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The Chinese will step in with a cheaper substitute. :wink:

Within a nation… yes.
When dealing with foreign nations…not so much.

Smoot. Hawley.

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As is done in virtually every thread I participate in, there is this inane urge by DEMs to tell me how things will play out based on how Stupid Trump is.

Once again, we will all see together. That is a fact.

It’s not based on how Stupid Trump is (though he indeed is). It’s based on history.