Trump to impose tariffs on Mexico

Protectionism cannot result in a “free” market.

That’s a regulated market, controlled and tweaked by the Government.

If the market outside the country is cheaper and more efficient, the “hand of the market” will direct trade there.

Please tell me I’m not the only one thinking of Ferris Bueller just now.

So you in your infinite wisdom have declared it to be game over and I better jump on board. :roll_eyes:

Yeah…its like a nuke of stupid went off…boom!

Ok, let me be sure I’ve got this straight.

It’s ok for you to make predictions, but if anyone else does, you’re all of a sudden a victim of the evil libs who won’t stop “telling you how things will play out”.

Is that right?

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Oh no, we know you’ll deny reality to the end and go down with the ship. :+1:

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Do you seriously believe the nonsense you are peddling? :roll_eyes:

This isn’t ultimately enforcing immigration laws or defending the border. This is bluster to take his kittens’ minds off his scandals. And his kittens will just lap up their milk and purr and purr.

Yes. Why is it ok for you to make a prediction, but grounds for a tantrum when I disagree?

You can posture all you want, but the thread is still here.

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:rofl: :rofl: You should go to a mirror and repeat that.

I could ask you the same question.

So basically you are for lowering the minimum wage and cutting regulations in this country so we can remain competitive…or you don’t want us to be competitive and to slowly lose our industries.

It’s possible that you’ve lost track of this conversation. I guess it’s been a long 33 minutes.

Our interaction in this thread started here:

I responded:

Apparently, that was a terrible sin, on my part - daring to disagree with your prediction - because you responded with this tantrum:

I ask again - why are you allowed to make predictions, but I’m not allowed to discuss them?


Those responding to me haven’t simply disagreed. They have repeatedly tried to coerce me to their foregone conclusions of failure.

You aren’t the one sitting on the firing line, so you are in no position to weigh in.

In any case, this is going nowhere in a big hurry so it is pointless to continue.

Everyone knows my opinion and it won’t change - so I’m moving on.

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This isn’t about what I’m about. This is about you’re about.

Idelogically, I’m ok with some government meddling.


Get down off that cross.

You’re not a victim here.


It’s no where near the costs of healthcare, schooling, food, housing, etc., for all come here illegally.

Illegal immigrants don’t care about increased taxes on Americans.

The problem is: the meddling you are for, some of which IS good, is what makes our products more expensive than foreign products.

We can have higher minimum wages than Mexico…and stricter environmental laws.

But if we want those things we also need tariffs on nations that don’t have those things or the industries just move there. Which is what has happened.

I fully support this.

The GOP from now on should be known as the party of tariffs