Trump: There we’re stenographers on the phone call

Whole bunch of hand waving just to confirm that HIS officials are allowed to memorialize it how they see fit.

No, more like an an inaccuracy.

Same procedure was in place for every President since Nixon.

No the memorandum is only 1 part of the document

Who listens to the call?

Traditionally, officials from the US national security council (NSC) brief the president before a call with a foreign leader. Then the briefers sit in the Oval Office with the president while he speaks on the phone with the foreign leader. “At least two members of the NSC are usually present,” according to USA Today.

There will also be officials sitting in a secure room in another part of the White House, listening to the president’s call and taking notes. Their notes are known as a “memorandum of telephone conversation”, and like many things in Washington it has an abbreviation: “memcon”.

The president’s calls with foreign leaders are also transcribed by computers. Afterwards, as former White House officials explain, the human note takers compare their impressions with an electronic version of the call. The notes from the officials and from the computerised transcriptions are combined into one document. This transcript may not be perfect, but it is done as carefully as time and resources allow.

All we have seen so far is the memorandum of telephone conversation

Adding this word to the “must defend trump at all times” list.

Not really. If they misrepresented the call it is sure to come out in testimony of the various people who were listening to the call, unless you want to assume three or more career NSC guys are going to cover for him.

Looks like it

Lol, being wrong is not the same thing as lying. He has no motive I can think of to say there were stenographers, quite the opposite, and my pointing out his ignorance is hardly a defense.

Irrelevant to the veracity of THIS memo. The memo is clearly whitewashed, no conversation is like that where each person speaks in paragraphs in turn.

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Nor could the memo accurately reflect a 30-minute phone call in the few pages that were released.

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First read made it clear it was BS, Trump would never let someone speak for more than 5 seconds without trying to talk over them.

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Exactly, they want to pretend that the officials simply corrected errors. That is so obviously false I don’t know why anyone would even go there.

There is absolutely nothing that shows who “approves” the final draft of the memo or that the NSC is involved in some review of its accuracy.

So they have it, they just didn’t show it to us.

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It’s now on a secured server.

How do we know the memo isn’t lying?

Good. This must be why he’s all nutty today.

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I’m not sure why this got lost in the shuffle but they’ve been reporting since the memo came out that the NSC keeps real transcripts.

Thanks for the correction.