Trump tells 7 year child old Santa isn't real on Christmas Eve

Trump visits a children’s hospital.

“So do you think you are going to actually beat your cancer? The chances are marginal, right?”

Trumpists: “What a beacon of honesty!”


…While Trumpophobes blame the President for giving children cancer…

Nope. Just people pointing out why Trump will never be allowed to visit a cancer ward while on camera. Which is a lie. Trump would never let his aides take him to a cancer ward. He hates those losers.

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As if on cue…

It’s OK. Understandable to resent losing the Presidency to a self funded celebrity who lacks and derides the flowery platitudes the globalists have grown accustom to.


Trump is the enemy in the war on Christmas

It’s not a talking point. He is a serial liar. Why do you believe otherwise?

Does it bother you that so many voters are convinced Clintonz and Obama have less of a grip on truth?

President Trump can tell a few Whoppers (and eat a couple too) thanks to the bigly low bar of Presidential rhetoric.

Trumpophobes crying LIE is just background noise.

Yes it does bother me that there is a minority segment of the American populace that are so detached from reality so as to believe that. It should bother all Americans. That it doesn’t is also bothersome.

You should study Presidential rhetoric, you seem to have some talent for it.

Lyndon Johnson was a study by himself.

We will be fine with fibbing Presidents. Its what they do, its who we are.

Calling deceptive PR a LIE is step one.

What President Trump does when it comes to lying is unparalleled in Presidential history. If you studied such history you would easily see this is true.

I like how the argument now is that Trump lies just like Bill Clinton therefore I support him


I resent Trump far less than I do those around me who claim to be/support one thing while repeatedly demonstrating their true nature is something different entirely.

LOL. Swing and a miss.

I rest my case. Trumpophobes need to remove the blindfolds to hit the Pinata.


No sir. Reality. It’s a shame so many fellow Americans are unwilling to come over to reality. I guess it’s comforting being in denial.

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Sure, but it’s understandable. Tens of millions of Americans are invested in conservative media that has spent decades unapologetically lying to them about what is going on in the world. And so here we are with Donald ******* Trump as some kind of God delivered beacon of truth to people who want the rest of the world to believe they actually have core principles.

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Pretending you own opinion is some sort of truth or fact is vile.

It belies the desires to control and manipulate that harbor behind them.


Worth a replay here…


Are you kidding. He’s telling little kids there’s no Santa.

Trump IS the war on Christmas.


Trumpists are entitled to their own opinions. They also seem to think they are entitled to their own facts. They aren’t and never will be, no matter how desperately they might wish it were so.


Trumpophobes and propagandists main thrust is to paint their opinion as a “truth.”

It is time wasted on discussing genuine issues and answers.
