Trump tells 7 year child old Santa isn't real on Christmas Eve

You can hear Trump’s side of the entire call here and I don’t see how this context makes it any better. True, this is not a consequential issue, but it is the perfect Trump microcosm.

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The one time Donald Trump tells the truth and the libs are STILL upset! Why am I not surprised?

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Trump prefers 7-year-olds who are making $200k/year.


I’m sure she has developed quite a talent for faking things.


Interesting body posture there.

I’m sure when they were answered by a woman with a Slavic accent, they thought Putin had hacked NORAD.

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Trump haha what a doofus

Politics aside, he’s just… weird. Even if he wasn’t demonstrably a creepy old lech, I wouldn’t allow him in the same zip code as my granddaughter. As she would undoubtedly say, “Ewww.”

And kudos on your parsing. Yes, asking a 7-y.o. if he still believes in Santa (cuz that’s kinda marginal, you know?) isn’t stating under oath that he doesn’t exist. I’m sure the kid is too stupid to connect the dots. Future Trump supporter!

No one is so naive as to think that politicians are choirboys, or should be. But I’m consistently amazed that you can support a man for President that you wouldn’t want in your life in ANY other capacity - not as friend, boss, co-worker, father-in-law, neighbor, certainly not dating your daughter.

But sure, I’M the one with a “derangement syndrome”. :rofl:


It would suck to have the opportunity to meet or speak with a president and then have that president be Trump…:rofl:

The magic eightball says, “Yes.”

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Ha! JimmyC’s post kind of shoots that theory to ■■■■■ don’t it?

Whatever gave you that impression? Maybe it was when he was filmed talking to a pre teen girl, looked back at the camera afterwards, and stated he would be dating her in 10 years?

What an absolute gremlin.

It’s worth trump getting reelected just to watch 4more years of this.

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Closest I ever got to a president was Ronald Reagan, who I saw waving from inside a limo as his motorcade drove by about 20 feet from me.

We are certainly hoping for two more years of watching Trump destroy conservatism. That’ll probably be enough at that point though.


Trump is the best Christmas gift that Democrats have received in years. The only thing that comes close is last year’s gift of Trump to Democrats.

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How much you wanna bet neither of those phones are plugged in.


What an idiot…!

A young child calling the Santa tracking line… and you ask if they “still believe in him” like some 6th grader bullying a 2nd grader!

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Hopefully the Trumps don’t set up phones to talk to kids this Easter. :thinking:

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There literally is nothing he does you guys won’t defend. Lol

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