Trump Team Doing "Plunge Protection"

Let’s give reality TV star Donald Trump control over the most powerful country in the world…what could possibly go wrong…


It’s not like there aren’t lots of skilled professionals around the White House to help blunt his worst instincts. Otherwise, let’s shake things up a bit.

He’s going to hire a team of killers to make deals, people you’ve never heard of that are so good you wouldn’t believe.

Like Wilbur Ross.

What a complete joke.

Keep up the good work, Plunge Protection Team!

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Trump “the king of debt” is unhappy with rising rates…go figure

If I was a conspiracy theorist I would theorize that he and his buddies are making money shorting the market.

It would not surprise me if elements were definitely engineered. Crises are profitable and capitalism’s sole aim is profit so…

While he’s chilling at a Mexican resort looking like a bond villan…

This might have something to do with it

I always thought that interest rates were raised to keep inflation in check. Clearly they are only raised in order to annoy Trump.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump asked his advisers if the US should just declare bankruptcy and start over.

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Deep state rates.

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These two should be investigated for their usage of taxpayers money to take their honeymoon or lavish trips or whatever illegal ■■■■ these shysters did.

“Quils mangent de la brioche.”

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Yeah, if only the Fed Chair would listen to only 6-times bankrupt, savior of Atlantic City (have you seen it lately!!), self-made, not-that-fraudy, real estate developer Donald Trump about how to run monetary policy!

Here’s Trump on the topic:


But he was born rich, what else do you need!

Merry Xmas!

Good thing today was only half day trading, right?

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It was a major league sell off. My company (AT&T) is down to 27.

it is ridiculously low.
