Trump Syria policy in his own words is blood for oil

When he does it or actually attempts to let us know.

Till then it’s just more diarrhea of the keyboard from you and Trump running off at the mouth.

I’m sure your words deeply wound him. I do however expect he’ll recover in time.

When Trump makes an announcement that we’re actually stealing their oil be sure and wake us all up.

Ok cool, so the president of the United States advocating for war crimes is cool, as long as he doesn’t actually go through ( aka he is stonewalled by every level of our civilian and military personnel). cool cool.

Because diarrhea

Extremely normal and totally not concerning.

Not worth any criticism


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Well, apparently you think so.

Nah bro. That’s all on you.

Let’s keep it simple.Ignoring which country does it,
Is looting natural resources (like oil)from a foreign country by an occupation force considered a war crime?

Second question.

Is trump “running off at the mouth” and calling for just that ? Irrelevant if it is being done or not…is he calling to keep a natural resource from a foreign country?

The most convenient part about defending Trump is he never has to mean what he says. Ever.

Think about that. It’s the ultimate defense mechanism. It cannot be topped. It’s essentially full-proof.

ETA: If Trump had said to Zelensky, “I want a quid pro quo here” - would he have meant it, or would it have been diarrhea? Golly gee. We just can’t know, can we.

Calling all intellectual conservatives… (1) credible U.S. President or (2) diarrhea?

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If we had a thread on everything stupid, wrong, or completely bassackwards Trump has said since taking office the board would have melted down two years ago never to recover.

Actions speak louder than words. When he seized the oil for the US and ships it home or sells it, wake me up.

that was not the 2 very simple questions…

is it a war crime?

did he call for it?

the answer to any one of those being a “no” would make the entire a no…but is it a no?

You’ve gotten my answer. Accept it or don’t, I don’t give a damn.

a answer to an unrelated question not The answer to a couple of specific questions

if somone were to ask “can i have cream with my cofee” and waiter says " the sun will rise at 742 this morning" it does not mean the original question had a reasonable answer…

It is the appropriate answer to the question whether you like it or not.

I’m not going to feed your fantasies by indulging you.

of course not because that would lead to harsh criticism of a current sitting president and we can’t have that now can we?

is it a war crime, yes or no? ignoring who is doing it, ignoring if it is being done or not. a purely hypothetical question…Is it a war crime?

What part of “you’ve gotten the appropriate answer and I’m not going to indulge you further” is it that you don’t understand? Perhaps I can help.

it is a discussion board, we are disusing a political topic, war crimes. no one is forcing you to continue to respond yet we can all see how you cant even answer a basic hypothetical question

What part of “you’ve gotten the appropriate answer and I’m not going to indulge you further” is it that you don’t understand? Perhaps I can help.

Repeating the same behavior expecting a different outcome is literally insane.

you do understand you just labeled yourself insane? no one else made that judgment…i am not sure how that works TOS honored guest wise…you might want to edit.

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