Trump Syria policy in his own words is blood for oil

The Caliphate has been destroyed but it can easily be reconstituted with enough money. Hence, denying them access to the oil should make perfect sense to anyone with a even a partially functional brain stem.

Break out a dictionary and see if you can guide yourself to the answer.

Trump has frequent diarrhea of the mouth.

When he starts selling it and depositing the funds in US accounts for the US to use let us know.

That’s not what I said

Well since you didn’t know what you were talking about I thought I’d help you out.

We’ll never kill the last ISIS fighter but we can keep them from reconstituting The Caliphate or again becoming an effective fighting force.

Cutting off their revenues from oil was a big part of their defeat and keeping them from regaining that revenue stream will go a long way towards preventing them from rising again.

Of course I know what I’m talking about…did trump lie or not…

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No he didn’t lie, get over it.

Why does the US need any oil, I thought the US was now a world leader in exports of oil?

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I’ve been out of the oil bidness for a year or so and I was never a “downstream” (refining) but generally it has to do with matching oil properties with refining capabilities. Viscosity and sulfur content are the main variables that I’m familiar with, if a refinery is set up to process light sweet crude (low viscosity, low sulfur content) then it needs to run at a refinery set up to process that. Most of the refiners here in the Gulf are set up to process heavy sour from Canada and Venezuela so all the light oil from W. Texas. We export a lot but still import oil to match refinery capabilities. That’s about what I know about it.

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So this went from I’m insane to Trump says a lot of things.

The reality is Trump has been agitating for seizing oil since the first Gulf War and still has the same impulses and desire, because he doesn’t know how anything works and nobody can tell him anything. So no the Pentagon won’t go along with pillaging but that doesn’t change the reality thats what the POTUS and CiC has been wanting to do for 30 years and still thinks it’s a good idea today.

Who’s insane in this calculus, exactly? Pretty sure it ain’t me.


so your going to give the oil field to their rightful owners Assad?

Trump said “we are going to keep the oil” that is either a lie or a war crime.

i’m going with the former.

A sane person would put his partisan blinders aside and realize the US isn’t plundering Syrian oil.

An honest, sane person, would also admit it.

Of course you will.

Me, I’ll go with him running off at the mouth without thinking as is his norm.

Guess that explains why Trump keeps saying we’re taking it then.

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Where exactly have we taken it? How much? Are we keeping it for later use or selling it?

The CIC has expressed exactly that goal for decades so it can’t be hand waved away with a “diarrhea of the mouth” comment and say people who point it out are the problem.

It would be popular with his base for sure. He’s already featuring convicted war criminals at fund raisers, so niceties like the Geneva Convention dont seem to matter with Trumps base of degenerates.

“Kick their ass and take their gas “ might be the new “Lock her up!”

Pointing this out makes you crazy.

You said a sane, honest person knows that we’re not stealing the oil and would admit. Trump does neither.

The disturbing part is how effective this ■■■■■■■■ gaslighting has has worked on liberals. It’s so transparent.

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