Trump supports, are aligned on this - tell Russia to attack countries

Like Kabul?

No, your posts are.

And you buy this?

Another example of PT Barnum being correct.

Hey I here Trump is colluding with Russia to win the election. :roll_eyes::joy:

Sad but predictable.

Don’t be so hard on yourself.

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countries don’t attack because presidents encouraged them to “do what they want”.

they attack because of ineffective leadership

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You are so desperate to find your TDS outlet.

Your posts are stupid to me. No need to reinforce my opinion on that.

His posts are starting to sound a bit desperate.

His threads even more so.

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You’re not the person who should be making that accusation to anyone.


Real easy to get all bloodthirsty now that there’s no chance of being expected to do any of the fighting. ■■■■■■■ legends. :rofl:


Says the guy who just posted this:

You’re losing control, man.


Why shouldn’t we? Trump has been talking about his disdain for NATO for years.

And Trumplicans will desperately defend anything he does or says Current defense of a stupid comment by Trump is a case in point.

Skulk away like brandon did Afghanistan?

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Take it to the Afghanistan thread.

Libtardmania needs to be explained. A big concern for skulking away from nato but skulking away from Afghanistan was ok.

We get it. You served in the military.

Thanks for you service.

Super non answer! Thanks for participating!

If MAGAciles are unable to discern the vast difference between the two, it’s not my job to school 'em. Especially not OT in a thread about NATO

Wanting the POTUS not to encourage Russia to attack our allies is the opposite of bloodthirsty.