Trump supports, are aligned on this - tell Russia to attack countries

I’m not defending anything except accuracy. I’m hoping your fever breaks soon.

Is Ukraine defeating Russia or not?

Canada is well short of the 2% of GDP goal. Why wouldn’t Trump encourage russia to do what they want with Canada?

That’s not correct.

According to you, he did.

Of course.

We are the NATO army.

Because without US money Ukraine falls.
Without US money and force, poland falls.

Trump said he’ll tell them to do wha they will.

That’s astoundingly ignorant. They can’t both be true.

The US is NATO?

“We”? When do you leave?

Good. Time to get out of that entangling alliance and teach some kids to read. Maybe rebuild Maui. Build a wall or two.

You’re being absurd.

Putin hates poland.

Do some research.

Who told you that?

Of course you are.

You should take a break. You sound juvenile and cultish.

There it is!

You never disappoint!

Thank you for you service!

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No, I’m not. Your thread title is a lie. Gaslighting.

You need to take that government class.


Soon? Remember, look around the berm, not over it.

There’s a rule here about addressing the post, not the poster. But hey, you do you!

Have a great night! I have the chiefs +2, but it’s not looking good.

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I think the point is that the last and possibly future leader of NATO has publicly announced that he might walk away from the treaty if Russia were to attack.

Whether or not he has actual plans to do it is immaterial.
Just saying it in and of itself is alarming enough. If we are going to break an alliance, we need to do it correctly, not skulk away.

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Well said.

Thank you.

Go Chiefs.

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flies in the face of the narrative huh?

:rofl: Sting? Pretty easy to say “we” when it’s not your blood.


Oh sorry I forgot you are the arbiter of who knows what on this forum. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: