Trump says Saudi Arabia is paying 1B for our American soldiers

It is very possible they will in some way defray costs.

It is very possible they may.

That’s not what we were told.

Trump doesn’t communicate well.

Or hire well.

This wasn’t poor communication. It was a blatant lie.

Ok, if you say so.

Common sense says so.

It makes sense. Our government needs the petrol dollar to continue. We are drawing closer to the collapse of the American Empire.

Interesting. What indicators are you using to reach that conclusion?
Video of Trump saying SA has deposited 1B “in the bank” Loud and clear.

You have proof they didn’t?

We do have the department of defense saying they know nothing about it.

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No, you have a SECDEF saying some things.

Show us the money. Otherwise we can only assume it’s a lie.

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Or you can assume it’s true. Or you can assume it’s partially true.

Why can you only assume it’s a lie?

Track record of this President. You can choose to believe him, I don’t trust him.

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So not logic. I don’t believe or trust anyone in government. I simply don’t care if they did or didn’t. It’s irrelevant.

That’s your choice.

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Sure it is. Just as it’s your choice to call it a lie with no evidence.

What it is not is logical.

There is no evidence it is true.

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Yes there is. One piece more than it isn’t.