Trump says Saudi Arabia is paying 1B for our American soldiers

Us folks are a product of the US lib mob progessive commie education system. Ain’t never read no book, just talked to by lib teacherz.

That’s not evidence. That’s a statement from a known liar.

It is evidence. I will agree it’s not much, but it’s more than you have.

Even if he’s lied about every single thing his whole life, logic tells us this could be true.

Does Saudi Arabia have a history of depositing $1 billion into the bank for us in advance of military deployments to their country? Otherwise there is no logic to this. You’re just hanging on hope it true.

Does the kingdom have a history of throwing money around? Is Trump different than his predecessors? Is this situation the same as all the others?

I don’t hope anything, I don’t care.

Of course it’s logic. The president lies all the time.

Therefore his track record would dictate he’s lying about this…or at best telling a half truth.

And a question for others - not the Sneak…

Trump is supposed to be getting us out of this “forever war.”

Why is he sending troops to Saudi when all they’ll be doing is fighting?

He should bring home our guys and close all our embassies and let the folks there solve their own problems.

That’s the only way to get us out of this war - and if he was the president he pretends to be, that’s what he’d do, not send our troops there for a billion bucks.

Odds are not logic.

Why are you excluding me? That’s very unwelcoming.

You posted a link to Rolling Stone.

The promise of a known liar is not evidence.

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The statement of a sitting President is.

Be patient. Don’t assume.

This is what I want to know. Why are our American soldiers needed in SA? What are they doing there that’s worth a billion bucks? Now I do not believe the billion bucks lie, of course, but why is Trump telling us that?

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You guys are furious about anything and everything as regards trump.

Yall would be furious if he cured cancer. :roll_eyes:

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If Trump went on Fox News tonight and said he cured cancer, his supporters would believe him. After all, if the sitting president said so that’s all the evidence they need.

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And if he did?


What is, “trump supporters would agree and defend” for $200 Alex.

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No one believes this lie.

It’s just a game to pretend otherwise.

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Well if he actually did…

I know. Part of me really hope they paid him directly.

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Lol- he said that 2 days ago: Trump Takes Undue Credit for Cancer Progress -

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He’s unbelievable.