Trump says he is likely to be criminally indicted over the January 6 event

Why would he regret it…it worked?

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Additionally, it was a sound judgment.

In all the “Get the Bidens Hearings” the House Magacans have held, why have they never brought the laptop in.

If it is such good evidence why does it only live on as a complaint about people questioning its probative value?

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James Clapper lied to congress about not spying on the American people and then affected the election by lying about the laptop. And now this scumbag gets to sit on tv and lecture about Trump being a felon because he hid a salacious story.


You don’t know whether that was the case or not.

What “information” from the hard drive on that lap top has influenced any indictment, impeachment, trial or legislative action in the last two years?

From the standpoint of factual evidence that laptop has proven itself worthless. It only remains as an emotional talisman for those who cannot accept the election results in 2020.

There was no acceptable reason to side with Putin in front of the world. I am convinced there is some serious kompromat on Trump.

Speaking of -laptop, wasn’t it supposed to pay a big part in HB’s trial?

The “laptop” story was supposed to help Trump in 2020 the way James Comey aided Trump’s election in 2016 when, about a week before the vote he announced the “discovery” of a trove of Hillary Clinton emails on a laptop belonging to Anthony Weiner, the disgraced ex-husband of Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Polls show that announcement really blended Clinton’s momentum. After the election, Comey reported that the laptop contained a backup of emails previously available… so there was nothing there.

Trump supporters see Biden’s laptop as the key to a similar impact in 2020. That’s is main role. That is why I have pointed out several times that the data on the laptop has provided no value to the MAGA movement in the past two years.

The laptop supposed to cast a shadow on Biden, much like Trump’s request that Ukraine announce it was opening an investigation into the Bidens. The Ukrainians did not have to find anything, they just had to create the image that there was something to investigate.

The laptop haw now taken on status as a sort of magic talisman the demonstrates how Donald Trump was done dirty. I have twice asked for anyone to way what valuable information was on the laptop. No one has answered. No one will. That was not the purpose of the laptop.

I bemusedly await Hunter Biden’s lawsuit against the repair shop owner and Rudy Guiiliani making it to the court calendar. Biden’s claim that his privacy was violated is pretty much an open and shut case.



It definitely had an effect.

What information from the laptop has influenced any investigation, indictment, trial, or the writing for legislation since the laptop was first revealed? Not a thing. From that I conclude the evidentiary value of the laptop was nil, given how hopeless corrupted the metadata prove it to be.



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Why should the election have been influenced by the existence of a hard drive that had nothing any value on it?

At about 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, a federal prosecutor, Derek Hines, brandished the headliner in question — Mr. Biden’s notorious laptop, a silver Apple MacBook Pro encased in a plastic cover. He waggled it about with his left hand while reminding a government witness, Erika Jensen, an F.B.I. special agent, of all the data that had been seized during the Department of Justice’s investigation of Mr. Biden.

The jurors and courtroom spectators gazed at government Exhibit 16 as if expecting sparks to fly from it.

Three seconds later, Mr. Hines returned the laptop to the prosecutors’ table, soon to be buried under a heap of other government evidence. It received no further mention.

LOL- didn’t he promise some laptop action in his opening argument?

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Remember, the “laptop” is irrelevant. What matters is the data on the hard drive or in Mr. Biden’s I-Cloud back-ups. The “laptop” is the ultimate distracting shiny object… and not one of the Biden opponents here has offered any response to my question of what information form the drive has mattered.

But they do LOVE talking about that laptop. I’d still like to hear a reasonable explanation about how it traveled from the blind shop owner directly to Rudy Giuliani. So weird.

And by the way, even MacIssac the computer guy has said that some of the photos etc that have been alleged to be on that laptop were never there originally. And it looks like he studied the contents of that laptop really hard.

Except for the fact that Comey has already stated that he brought out the emails so he could give hillary a pass. He just knew she was going to win the election and he did not want the emails to mess up her presidency. He did it all to help hillary not trump.

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The fact that polled voters have stated that if they knew the laptop was real they would not have voted for biden.

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Tell us which poll.

After all, how did announcing that the investigation was reopening in any way help Hillary. Show us where Comey said what you claim. Otherwise, it seems you are rewriting history to fit with what you want.