Trump says he is likely to be criminally indicted over the January 6 event

Probably not. It’s "D"ifferent when a dem does it.


Can’t help themselves? This guy is also an idiot when it comes to ‘get Trump’. :joy:

A Texas man who filed more than two dozen challenges to former President Trump’s ballot eligibility was arrested Tuesday on charges alleging he filed 17 sets of false tax documents to the IRS.

John Anthony Castro was indicted last week on 33 counts of aiding the preparation of false tax returns. Prosecutors claim he ran a virtual tax preparation business that provided customers with tax returns beyond what they were actually owed, defrauding the government.

like run for President?


Wake up libs. You have been used and abused by the government, the media and social media…all feeding you that Trump…TRUMP…TRUMP…is a criminal. So what does our corrupt government do? They hire a female…a black female…to go after Trump in Fulton County, Georgia and feed libs across the country just how baaa, baaa, baaad Trump is. You libs swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

Now a lot of time has passed and the fog of deceit is beginning to clear so that the truth is being exposed. Would you like an appetizer of truth? Here it is. Fanni Willis is corrupt and those providing her the money to go after Trump are right in bed with her…including her lover, lawyer sex toy. I doubt you’ll listen to the truth and if you do, you’ll go into another excuse making denial mode of operandi. That’s ok though. I’ve told you for years you’re on the wrong side of history and the truth is on the other side.


She was elected.

Oh…well then…I didn’t realize she was there due to Brandonites. Thanks for sharing even more how duped by the establishment forces Brandonites are.

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The DC Court of Appeals UNANIMOUS ruling that Trump does not have absolute immunity from prosecution for crimes committed in office means that TRUMP will almost certainly stand trial for J6 related felonies before the November election.

The Court gave Trump until MONDAY to appeal. This MONDAY. They are not allowing him to delay.

The Supreme Court is highly unlikely to take up the case after Chutkan rejected his argument and then the Appeals Court rejected it unanimously.

Trump will go to trial. Probably in April, maybe May.

Verdict by end of Summer.

Trump is toast.

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Delay tactics failed.

Not one Trump supporter has yet explained why giving a President total immunity is a good thing. I certainly do not want Biden or any democratic president to have such latitude.


The Executive already has too much power. Why would we want to give it more?

I guess they’ve abandoned the “national CEO” thing they were trying out after 2020.

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Well there is a platform of electing a day one dictator.

I agree. And Trump will have a fit if the SCOTUS does not hear it.

When Trump goes to trial for J6 it will be interesting to hear testimony, under oath, from a bunch of insiders including…

Chief of Staff Mark Meadows
WH Head of Communications and Trump lackey Dan Scavino
“Acting” Attorney General Jeffrey Clark
Lawyer John Eastman
Lawyer Rudi Giuliani
Lawyer Sidney Powell

and so many others.

You know what they won’t be doing? Falling on the sword for Trump.

Also will be interesting to see contents of Trump’s twitter including DMs and Drafts.

This is going to be super ugly for the goon Trump.

The supporters won’t care.

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But 5%-10% of his support will likely dry up.

And that is a difference maker.

Who is this guy? I like him.

I’m waiting for him to start talking about camps. We can’t be more than like a month or two away.


Its already happening

Clapper is sticking with it.

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