Trump’s comments mark the first time the president has openly and directly praised a violent act against a journalist on American soil

Kinda cute watching the Republican complain about antifa while praising tiki torch carriers

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Fat donald is a ■■■■■■■ idiot.

And so are many of his supporters.

A DEAD Ambassador in Benghazi was and still is a joke to liberals and Dems and 6 minutes after Obama addressed the nation regarding an American journalist beheaded he was yucking it up with his buddies on the golf course.

10 char.

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The problem is that there was little consequence to Gianforte commiting assault and now the President is praising it to the cheers of the crowd.

If people don’t see why this is a problem then there is nothing more I can say.


Crap - I’ll never be able to unsee that now…

It was never a joke.

It was an intelligence failure that led to years of investigations to inflict political harm.

And that is it.


Never happened.

But what if it did happen, think about it, get angry about it. Then say it did happen anyways because it feels like it did, why else would you be so angry?

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Throw in a bit about watching Muslims cheer the 9/11 attacks from New Jersey rooftops. That’ll really get the juices flowin’.

Choosing that event to praise a politician, Shallow Donnie goes for the one thing that got media attention. It’s something a fake man would choose to highlight, a coward’s heart. There was nothing else he could choose to praise this politician for? Or did he pick the one thing he knew his trawling gapers would applaud?

I think more politicians, in America and abroad, we’ll “joke” about violence and legal action against anyone who oppose them politically.

The difference is important legally.

Probably in less than three sentences.

No, really… Just go ahead and make ■■■■ up as you go here.

I hope so, I really mean it.

Libs are creative… no doubt about it.
They have to be. If they had to rely on reality, they would be SOL.

sigh…dude you stay posting false information. Fact check before you try to posting false equivalences.

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ahahahaah talking morals after questioning mine. FAIL