Trump rally continues

By me? Which post?

Here’s what I said:

Public sector employment decreased. That means government jobs were cut.

Ok, can you give me an example?

Start here:

Or here:

“Government payrolls at nearly all levels also have been cut. Local governments have shed 446,000 jobs, about 3% of their total workforce; state governments have cut a net 121,000 jobs, with small growth in education more than offset by cuts elsewhere. And while the federal government has added 62,700 non-postal jobs, the Postal Service has reduced its workforce nearly 18%, or 129,400 jobs. The Postal Service now employs fewer than 600,000 people, its smallest payroll since 1964.”

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That says state government, not Centgov.

The healthcare is good unless it is because of obamacare.

Service jobs is not good.

Read carefully the words I’ve typed in this thread. Don’t read into them meaning that isn’t there.

So adding to the debt matters?[quote=“Roxiebelle, post:72, topic:853, full:true”]

But…but…that’s because Obama was printing $$$ and “feeding” the market each month, it’s called quantitative easing and it contributed to doubling the debt.

So adding to the debt matters?

Sorry, I missed your point here. Are you claiming that Toyota trucks have a substantively higher reliability than American trucks?

So adding to the debt matters?

But…but…that’s exactly what Reagan did when he nearly tripled the debt. Printed money, lots of it. And Trump still befits from quantitative easing with the market where it was when Obama left office.

For some reason no one talks about that.

The top three most reliable pickup trucks according to JDPowers are American brand trucks. Do you have evidence to the contrary?

Gee…I wonder why. :roll_eyes:

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Because its so much easier (and lazier) to look at today’s Dow Jones, see who is President, and go

“Look! Trump is great! See Dow Jones! Best economy ever!”

there was a bad candle on 5/14/18.

i was gonna explain it but last time i did i made a trade and lost $3,100 because Trump opened his mouth about something. it was the perfect setup too.

What are you talking about?


40 years of driving them.

Glad to hear your experience. Does one person’s experience mean more that’s millions?

than millions

China wants to make a deal… It’s an art. Hee hee hee!