Trump rally continues

:point_up: That’s not a metaphor. Not a simile.

2 points for “Luddite”. Would have been 3 if you capitalized it.

I’m specifically referring to Obama not renewing the SofA. Using your logic (of Obama “just extended the Bush tax cuts”), Obama would have just been “extending Bush’s SofA” and Obama wouldn’t have “deserved any credit” for it.

I drive them.

Cut government, not just spending.

Not only that, but it was largely an expansion of PRIVATE hiring. That largely dispels the idea of “uncertainty” and “(D) being bad for private businesses.”

See public sector employment trends under Obama. A lot was cut.

Which congress?

The one that I heard caved to Obama on literally everything, and were a bunch of wet-noodle RINOs?

It depends if it’s severe and which sectors are affected.

Our company isn’t just high tech.

I’m looking for a number

It didn’t pay off the debt. It was basically an asset swap. They assumed the MBSs and Treasuries on their balance sheet and in exchange the Fed adds credit to the banks’ reserve accounts.

For what? The congressional sessions that happened under Obama?

Wikipedia can help you with that.

Under Obama, private sector employment skyrocketed while public sector employment decreased.

Which ones the cuts were under.

Which cuts, specifically?

Is it too much to ask for your questions to be a little more specific? I know you like your style and all, but it makes engaging fruitfully take longer than needed.


The government goes into debt buy selling bonds to the private sector at auction, (Fed Open Market Operations.)

QE is the act by which the fed later creates paper or electronic currency and buys those same bonds.

That IS QE.

QE, under the Fed is FAR better than Congress voting to print money for one program or war but not another, (making it appear “free.”)

QE under the Fed is FAR better than Congress voting to print money for one president but not another.

QE sets all presidents and all programs equal, (good), but whenever it is used it creates funny money to make all gov’t spending appear as “free economic growth.” (bad. very very bad.)

I’m not wrong. That debt is not paid off. Those MBSs and Treasuries are on the Fed’s balance sheet.

The printed money goes directly to pay the lenders who lent the money (bought bonds).

The bonds, which had already been on the Feds balance sheet as a debt owed to someobe else (a bad thing) now magically appear as a debt owed to oneself.

Once the Fed uses magic money to buy thise bonds all payments made on those bonds goes right back to the Treasury.

I was told he cut government.

By you. Can you give me an example?