Trump qestion Lincoln role ending slavery

So when pitting 3 racist pieces of ■■■■ against each other… who did more?

why do you not post the full quote.

Am I required to? Why don’t you if you feel it’s so important?

because you seem to be taking one incomplete sentence out of the full letter and basing Lincoln full political ideology on it.

Who cares? None of them gets credit anymore than the handful of slaveowners who knew feeding your slaves well meant they could work better.

You seem to simply continue making things up.

If it’s so important to you, you post it and we’ll discuss it.

Hmm. I like you.

:grinning: Careful. You’d be about the only one here who does :rofl:

Because Lincoln made it very clear that ending slavery was the only way to preserve the union.

“But if the rebels would only cease fighting & consent to reunion on condition that I would stipulate to aid them in re-enslaving the blacks, I could not do that either-The people, if they would, could do that too; but I could never be their agent to do it-For such a work, they must find another would have to be found.”

“If you want to be treated differently, you have to separate by time and distance.”

Except when distance doesn’t matter, as you so eloquently stated:

“Yes. Anywhere in the area. Anywhere in the city. Anywhere.”

No contradiction there. :laughing:

One would think the NG could tell the difference between rioters/looters and peaceful protestors as well and not just blindly follow orders shooting at anyone who just happens to be “in the area”, especially people standing on their own porches several miles from any protesting, let alone actual looting/rioting. That’s a good set of drones. Fascism is cool now.


NG? We were talking about soldiers. Who called in the National Guard?

Who did they shoot?

no one because the National Guard follow rules of engagement.
and mostly just stand there and look menacing.

So what? Does that in any way change what I said?

Well that of course never happened.

He’s not the only one. You’re a good member.

Oh I see. When was martial law officially declared? Do remind me. :roll_eyes:

Mostly. I’m pretty sure they weren’t following the rules of engagement when they were going up and down neighborhoods in Minnesota shooting people on their own property with paint canisters.

It wasn’t, nor does it need to be.

Of course not. :laughing:

Limited government, everyone! :laughing: