Trump predicts he'll win Minnesota because of America-hating Anti-Semite Omar

This is total ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ I know racism when I see it.

Then stop looking in the mirror.

If you don’t see the racism, it is because you chose not to see it.

Which won’t be happening this time.

It’s as racist as “build the wall”. It’s more rooted in frustration from watching your country evolve from…ask not what your country can do for you to…ask what your country can do for you.

You’ve made this argument before.

Need I tell you why it was wrong then and still wrong now?

There’s a reason it worked for Trump and yet won’t work in reverse.

No one in this country is ever asked “what can I do” for you since the greatest generation. The baby boomers on down don’t give a ■■■■ about this country. It’s all about what I can take.


Claims of racism/identity politics is all they have anymore.

They don’t seem to realize the phony claims do not work any more.

WRONG! I still practice this everyday and it’s a pleasure and my honor to do so.

That’s right! :+1:

In fact…gotta go. It’s time to stimulate the economy and give back. Have a nice day everybody.

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Thanks for your efforts! I did the same for 45 years till i retired.

Some prefer some sort of hand out i suppose.

Have a good day.

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Some of Trump’s comments are rather critical of America as well. I’m sure he’ll be held to the same standard.

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By working in a business that only exists because government legislation locks out competition?


Trump rather than hating America has actually done a great deal for the country.Booming economy, lowest unemployment ever in some cases.

What has the squad ever done besides mouth off hateful comments?:thinking:

I dunno, I don’t remember you playing James Comey during the election working out that well prediction wise actually. Not worth talking about what Trump says, remember? Only criticizing Hillary?

That’s a Bingo.

Unfortunately for him, his xenophobic base does not make up a majority of voters.

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I criticized each candidate equally…explained why it was the worst election I have personally experienced.

As for this? The cardinal rule of politics…who controls the narrative…wins.

This is a game TRUMP started and is very good at.

Omar does NOT win with “Trump wants to deport all black/brown people” tweets in response.

I don’t know how to explain to you why not. You have to be able to see it, I guess.

Just said the same thing to a friend of mine who thinks people still support Trump because they don’t know things like that a guy who works at OAN also works for Sputnik, and that these things should be broadcast more.

As if people are supporting Trump only because they just don’t realize he’s dirty.

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That is more insulting to her than anything Trump tweeted.


That’s an interesting recollection, considering the biggest you spent the run up to the election criticizing Hillary and we clashed repeatedly because you wouldn’t do the same for Trump and explicitly said it didn’t matter and wasn’t worth talking about.

We both might have been wrong about him winning but you were also wrong about what he was saying mattering, so forgive me if I don’t take this whole “I’ve got my finger on the pulse of the way electioneering works now” bit of yours seriously.

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