Trump predicts he'll win Minnesota because of America-hating Anti-Semite Omar

I’d laugh harder if the Orange Idiot fails on another prediction.

Trump did manage to get lucky there. He happened to get elected at a time when the economy happened to be on an uptick. He’d better hope the next downhill slope doesn’t hit in the next 18 months or so, or he’ll be royally screwed.

Jeff Epstein hearts your thoughts.

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You are both wrong and should listen to me…

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1.6% GDP for 2Q19 is not booming.

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When you’re a red hatter, you don’t have a lot of options.

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OK obviously there’s a bad word in my response to Tommy but hopefully the mods will see my post and approve it soon because I’ve made an answer. As far as I can tell I’ve made it as innocuous as possible- I’m usually good at picking out the words that get posts auto-flagged for approval.

I figured it out! Holy crap!

Of course Trump would rather run against Omar or Ocasio-Cortez than anyone the Democrats will actually nominate. But he will continue to run against the Squad because racism has become the overt center of his pitch.

It is worthwhile to remember that Trump stages a series of rallies just prior to the 2018 election to support Republican candidates by ginning up his xenophobic base. He did not manage to swing a single election to the Republicans.

That does not guarantee that he will achieve the same outcome in 2020; it just points out that running against Socialists and scary people of color is not an infallible route to victory.


I would have never said that…I think you’ve got me mixed up with someone else.

And I wasn’t wrong about him winning…I was warning all the overconfident Hillary supporters that he stood a good chance of winning…only to be told by “experts” such as yourself who talked about “seven points of contact” and other BS that he stood no chance. I outlined reasons he would win- Hillary was probably the least electable person the Dems could have thrown out there, she was a lazy campaigner who wanted to only hang out with rich donors at parties, no consistent story other than “not Trump”, 30 years of the narrative being set about her. Only wavered once- I thought the Access Hollywood Tapes would have an effect- they didn’t.

Of course what Trump says matters. But what I have learned, having now spent the last several years actively engaged in local and some state politics, is how you respond to a demagogue also matters.

And exaggerating what the demagogue says in an escalating “gotcha” battle? That’s a losing strategy. Omar keeps that up, or if the Dems adopt the same tactic? They will go down in flames.

Because the rank and file don’t give a damn about possible Trump ties to Russia. They already know he’s dirty and one more harp on that will only piss people off, not convince them to be anti-Trump.

And they know Trump uses divisive language, but if you say “He wants to deport all brown/black people”? People will view that as a ridiculous exaggeration AND it will tap in to the fact on border security and immigration, the majority of people are closer to Trump than the more left-leaning candidates, and the backlash will be against OMAR, not Trump.

You don’t believe me? Keep encouraging Dems to act this way.

You don’t beat Trump by playing his game.


Trump has been accused of rape multiple times, and he’s a proven racist.

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Oh really ?! I guess to you libs anyone who doesn’t stand for open borders, constitution, second amendment rights and freeberty is a racist. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If you partook in that chant, you might be a racist.

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By the way, how is it deranged of him to think he can win Minnesota? He only lost it by 1.5% last time, that would seem to be in striking distance to me. But I do encourage democrats to think it can’t happen.

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mondale’s home state

i think he has a chance of winning every state that has not been flooded with illegals

Did someone say it was deranged ?

Yup, Minnesota was already more up-for-grabs than most people realize.

I don’t claim to entirely understand the new political and electioneering landscape. I was professional trained in the method that had worked for the last two centuries or so, which makes it more difficult. As far as I can tell, the only two people who really saw it before the fact were Matt Taibbi and though it pains me to admit it, Steve Bannon.

In retrospect, it’s easy to see how the sealed off incestuous relationship between campaigns and the press, the wacky knock on effect of social media and the fact that government as a concept had been discarded by both sides had been building for years.

Or that one of the biggest red flags should have been a ■■■■■■■ should have been a Moneyball sports stats guy becoming the Election Guru of America. People aren’t just numbers and every time it’s tried with the stock market or whatever it fails.

Sure you do…

Weve had threads on here talking about it. Trying to figure it out best we could.

Bannon has part of it right. Least when it comes to the rightwing dont give a ■■■■ machine.

But honestly none of this stuff is new. Populism and preying on peoples fears.

People just became lax with things.