Trump plan for tonight...hit Biden hard

It has a shelf life of less then a few hours.

People (like myself) will tune in to see how Trump handles the mic situation and then move on. Millions of people have already voted and a vast majority of people have already made up their minds. This is all show. This debate changes little to nothing.


LOL. Projection!

Your sense is off. I am looking forward to Trump showing his ass again and his defenders saying he did a great job.

Pretty much. See how bad the Bubble Boy is ■■■■■■■■ the bed is the only reason to tune in for a bit.

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Anybody see that new Sam Elliot ad? Puts Trump into perspective hard. Talks directly to what manhood is.


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I remember the 2000 debates. Bush was Bush for all 3 debates. We got 3 different versions of Al Gore. “Smarter than Bush” Gore, humble and funny Gore, and focused Gore. It hurt him (IMO) because no one knew which Gore was the real Gore.

Trump going from ultimate jerk to presidential won’t change anyone’s opinion. Strange what 20 years does.

Freepers were crying over that one yesterday. They were convinced Sam was their guy. And of course started forming theories in how he must have been blackmailed to explain the betrayal.

Republicans have two moves to react. Denial, and a conspiracy theory. Every single time.

Reminds me of AM radio where the person goes “Let me tell you what liberals really think…”

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Any other Republican candidate would be up on Biden by 20 point at this point. This is a “and the band continued to play on the Titanic” moment for the GOP.

What like the Taylor Swift thing?

Not surprising. Did they bother to think about the content of the ad?

It’s really good. Folks should go take a look.

Sam Elliot.

Good stuff.

Love his voice. Pure Americana.

I dunno about that but because he plays rugged cowboy roles they think he’s actually a rugged cowboy and by default a Republican. Nobody seems to care more and are routinely hurt by Hollywood than Republicans. It’s the only way I ever know what celebrities are saying is by reading about Republicans complaining about it.

If the 60 Minutes interview is a preview of Trump’s strategy for tonight I am not nervous at all about the debate


Yeah. I’ve voted but I plan to tune in. Need to remember the popcorn.

Yes he’s got to shoehorn Hunter Biden into every single topic tonight.

And then complain about the cover up when he’s cut off.

Not much talk about Biden being senile in this thread. Is that talking point over?


Nope now he’s the head of a Family Syndicate bought and paid for by the Chinese.

Mr. 10% Joe Big Guy.


Half! Joes gets half.

I forgot about the talking point switch between debates.