Trump openly suggests Ukraine and now China should investigate Bidens

Did what?


None of this makes any sense.

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The uncomfortable questions are going to be asked a lot now.

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You know it, and i know it, and everyone knows it. Next question. Say it. Say it.

You have to pardon the uninformed. They think Biden personally fired the prosecutor, not Ukraine parliament.

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It’s just some mish mash of conspiracy theories being floated from right-wing punditry. They’re super desperate right now…just flinging poo at the wall and hoping it sticks. The problem is that many Trump loyalists believe ALL the poo that is flung by their favorite pundits, and that poo starts mixing together, and we get new asinine conspiracies every day.


Because teh FBI won’t lie for him. But a country facing a long trade war, or a country in need of US foreign aid, very well might.


I bet Guiliani is on his way to China right now.

It’s far simpler than that.

Remember…results don’t matter.

All that’s needed is the mere accusation.

Biden is finished. Trump needs to move on.


Holy crap! Now everyone can see the Emperor has no clothes.

This is too easy. He’s flipped his lid.

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It’s almost as if Trump is incapable of learning from its mistakes. Its fascinating.

we can retire the whole line of “he can’t be that stupid can he?” because yes…yes he can.

for some reason i also have those old Phillips commercials with the jingle that end “i think things are getting better…getting better allll the time…”

He is doing everything out in the open now, isn’t he?

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Why learn from your mistakes when your base could give a flying ■■■■ about them? Trump supporters have no values or principles.

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And either he’s too stupid to see it … or he’s using the media. I think it’s a little of both.

just imagine Nixon on the white house lawn telling the press “we really should break into McGoverns offices…”

Out in the open and no one from the R side will condemn.
Forget the “coverup.” It’s all happening in plain sight.

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The president seems to have a very narrow view of alleged corruption he wants investigated.

There ya go!