Trump melting down on Twitter again. What's about to break?

I mean it’s a scam tactic he learned in his years of dirty dealing.

The reason why those Nigerian scammer emails come off so bogus is that they are specifically made to target people who are so desperate for whatever the scammer is offering and it’s making the potential victim more receptive. Once you abandon your better judgement, you become open to whatever absurd request the scammer makes.

By constantly creating an alternative reality, Trump has perfectly primed his audience to believe whatever he tells them regardless how absurd it is to the rest of us.

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Well Trump would never lie, would he?

“Get down on their knees and beg for forgiveness “ - fat donald


Hmmm - so the guy who helped get him elected has had nosediving ratings. Coincidence? I think not…

Ye gods what a horse’s ass.

I wonder what happened to the 35 page rebuttal his team had ready to go?

It may have gotten buried under his new healthcare plan.

Oh, wait - it can’t be that. He was going to send that over to Congress on day 1.


Well when we finally get the new health care plan, you know it will be the bestest ever. (It’s just that we’ll never actually get it…)

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We’re currently under an invasion! What the hell happened to our national emergency?

These aren’t the old days, are they? Now its nothing but Presidential Harassment!

We’ll get it after 2020 when his ass is being hauled off to jail.

Bill Clinton, during whose administration the economy was outstanding, was clearly immune to criticism. Right, Mr. President.

Does Trump actually believe the nonsense he says?

That would be such a lovely thing to see.

But, but, MS13!!!

Wow, haven’t heard about them for weeks now!

It’s in a trapper keeper with the new health care plan, checks from the Mexican government for a wall, and proof that Obama was born in Kenya.

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It’s whether his die hard supporters believe the nonsense he says and the resounding answer is YES!

I can’t wait till it’s all released! And does it contain the proof of the Obama adm. spying on him?

Hey remember when caravans and terrorists pouring over the border was an urgent immediate impossible to ignore emergency of the highest order? Did we fix that?

Probably. Maybe. It should! Because many people are saying it.