Trump melting down on Twitter again. What's about to break?

They didn’t read the report.

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Mueller put that spin there when he said there wasn’t enough evidence to say anyone in the Trump campaign had conspired with Russia.
Mueller put that spin in there when he said he could not say that Trump obstructed justice nor could he exonerate Trump.

Its all in the report.

And if there isn’t enough evidence after two years…Pelosi is going to do what that hot shot team couldn’t?
And when Congress can’t do it, does it go the the DNC to have their own investigation?

Its like we know he’s guilty so every investigation is just one more step until we find him guilty.
That isn’t America.

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Yes. I read the report.

The President does not come off looking good in it.

If one had read the report, one would see that the man is not fit to hold the office.


Yes, after finding that they could not pin conspiracy on Trump, and could not say that he had committed obstruction, they did go along with their recitation of things which 90% could have been taken out of liberal posts in this forum for the last couple of years.
The great “get Trump” report became more opposition research by Trump haters, proving the bias that went into it in the first place.

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It’s like clock work throughout history for the entire planet. A different kind of leader comes into power, an over the top crazy response will follow.

Just wait till we have our first woman president. The president after that may be worse than Trump.

No. It may have in part been due to a reaction to Obama’s policies for 8 years.

The report shows a concerted effort by the campaign to make contact with Russians for information on Hillary Clinton.

On two occasions, people in the campaign turned down information.

If you read the report, it would be easy to identify who these people are and what it was in reference to.

If he was the laser-focused manly hard-nosed deal maker that Trump’s slobbering base truly believes that he is, then he would at the very least hold a press conference. As it stands he’s been quivering in fear of an actual real adult press conference for 795 days.

A smart person might take what he perceives as “full exoneration” as a natural pivot point to focus on his agenda, but it looks like this petulant embarrassing diaper-fouling moron is going to double down on the chest thumping and lashing out and whining.


Trump’s twitter rants validate his supporters ramblings on the internet. They’re in it together, fighting the good fight, declaring which morning cable news show is the best (fox and friends) and the worst ( morning psycho)

The more unhinged he gets the happier it makes them.

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Well gosh even that bicycle-helmeted dad-pantsed arugula-chomping Marxist Kenyan secretly gay community organizer Obama conquered that contest twice. Does he have your respect?


Donald Trump is just a child. A New York City rich kid who never had to mature.

Hell, Allen Iverson takes criticism better than Donald Trump.

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Let’s call them rants even though the characters are limited to 144.

Only a rhetorical savant would understand.



He was a career politician and a lawyer so those are two strikes against my unwavering admiration…


They are “limited” to 288, which plenty of people (including Trump) use several of in succession to get their point across.

“Today I have, as President, perhaps the greatest economy in history…and to the Mainstream Media, it means NOTHING. But it will!”

For 8 years I heard how arrogant and Elitist Obama was…

No we have a trust fund baby saying arrogant stuff on a public site



Hardly long enough to qualify as a RANT

Even if you string a dozen dialogue boxes together.

Give me a good half page newspaper OP ED…THAT is a rant.


Agreed on this point. Donald’s been chanting “no collusion/no obstruction/complete and total exoneration” for so long one is left wondering whether he’s trying to convince himself it’s true. If the Mueller report exonerated you then get back to MAGAing up the nation and stop tweeting like a petulant child.

Fat donald is losing it.

Fat donald, the heavyweight champion of trolls. :rofl::rofl:

Remember when our esteemed host had words about President Obama being concerned about NCAA brackets?

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