Trump melting down on Twitter again. What's about to break?

Oh yes, I remember that.

But here they shoo away Trump showing his unhinged inner mental instability all over Twitter, making America a laughingstock again.


You are welcome to that opinion.

The idea that he is so inept as to not function outside of the only office he has ever held is beyond ludicrous. Trump was just fine before being President and did not need the hyenas nipping his rhetorical buttocks every day. The rhetorical hyenas DO need a punching bag.

You learn more by reading than by posting. Little tidbit for anyone and everyone…myself included.


He was not fine before, he’s always been a thin-skinned celebrity obsessed media whore, resorting to reality TV to satiate his obscene need for media attention.

No sane person thinks he’s all that wealthy.


He is wealthy enough and intelligent enough to win the hardest contest in the world to conquer.

He has my respect.

He is President.


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There’s actually a way to “speak truth” like one is attired in Big Boy Pants, as opposed to sounding like one is still mired in an overnight oily diaper and throwing poo at the world.


Why do trump supporters keep bringing up the fact that fat donald has money? It’s not like he’s giving it away to them.

My guess is that they do now.

Nearly every dollar the President has was because of daddy.

People need to get rid of the worship of the myth of the self made billionaire that the President wants people to believe.

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Seems like a lot of Dems are obsessed with. Check thread on going after his financials so that every penny he has can be questioned in Congress.

Donald Trump is the silver spooned, arrogant rich kid that coal miners despise.


Being born into wealth is an admirable trait for them, I guess.

Many still think it’ll happen to them.

They’ll have to start doing the financial and tax shenanigans that caused Trump’s sister to resign her judgeship in these face of investigation, though.

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No President in the history of the United States has had to deal with this level of Presidential harassment. Does anyone really care where Donald Trump got his money, whether it was gifted to him by his father, or whether it comes from Russian oligarchs? I think that the fact that he has the money makes it’s origins completely irrelevant. They say that God works in mysterious ways, so it seems to be reasonable to conclude that God wants Donald Trump to be President. I know he’s a good President because he earned so much money and beat that demon witch Hillary Clinton. Beating Clinton alone shows me that America made a great choice by electing Trump.

I’m glad that Donald Trump is tweeting every day. It gives us an unique insight in his amazing thought process. No other President has been so transparent with the American people. I’m not surprised that liberals want him to stop.

Its not that at all, its Trump with his incessant bitching and crying on Twitter. All he tweets is woe is me, look how bsdly I have been treated.

If my son was tweeting like that I would tell him to man the ■■■■ up and have some self respect.

Trump constantly plays the victim and in turn so do all his supporters.


Who would those be?

True Americas want to know if fat donald is a crook.

And we just spent two years and hauling millions of our dollars to the elite investigators to find out no, he didn’t conspire and that Mueller didn’t know whether what he listed was legally obstruction or not.
You people have had your shot. If there is some specific information on a specific criminal action that has not already been investigated, then get a warrant.

There are 14 investigations that spawned from this one and we only know for certain what 2 of those are.

This is far from over.


No other president has lacked class like Trump… I was simply making a joke that no other president sought attention on social media when he mentioned MAGA

You act like there is some evidence re Trump because you don’t know the details of every investigation. We had to put up with that junk for two years. “Mueller knows”.

Don’t act like the President is out of legal and political jeopardy because enough people believe the spin that Barr put on the Mueller report.