Trump: "media has been unbelievably unfair to Republicans, conservatives, and certainly to me"

No… it isn’t right.

This isn’t a game where people keep score.

Hinckley shot Reagan because he wanted to bang Jodie Foster. This is literally the most well known presdoential assassination motive in history.

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The MSM is in cahoots with the liberal socialist Democrat Party, that’s why they don’t report the threats or attacks on Republicans & conservatives basically because they don’t care about those “deplorables” but more importantly it fits their political agenda and their delusions of grandeur that they are more powerful and influential than voters and the will of the people and they all come from the low standards of Bernstein and Woodward type of junk journalism schools!

Yeah. The media causes ALL violence. No matter who it is doing the terrorism, it’s the media’s fault. No responsibility taken; victimhood perpetually fostered. Yay.

Maybe If you actually paid attention to what bone spur said it wouldn’t sound so stupid

i’ve known a few people that turned off Republican Media. they almost immediately changed. the anger and rage went way down.

I’ve never understood why some people deliberately find ways to keep them angry all the time.

People still watch the braves and falcon choke every year so…

True. As a Cowboys fan I can attest to this.

This post explains so much.

Making America great again needs all of our prayers

If you listen to 30 seconds of Mark Levin, he’s constantly yelling. Didn’t think someone could be so angry all the time.

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Preach it, sister! Donald’s rhetoric doesn’t incite anyone to violence, only to join in the compassionate and inclusive project of MAGA. And you are perfectly correct to begin a body count in these troubled times for the sake of comparison, so everyone can without a doubt understand that libs are much more deadly than Trumpists. Anyone who tells you that doing so is disgusting, divisive, and cheap are only Soros funded radicals hellbent on destroying our beautiful land.

Only by voting Trumpists into every elected office in the land can we deter and stop these horrific lib attacks from proliferating.

^ That’s a really good post to show how Trump can sell things that aren’t true. We’re already great.

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If we were so great why did Obama apologize for america?

That’s not anger, that’s righteous indignation over libs’ attempted destruction of the Greatest Nation in the History of History.

Or its 230 years worth of Constitution voices trying to Make America Great Again

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Because he’s a Kenyan. Donald saw the truth of that early on, but had to stop talking about it for fear of being labeled a racist. If that had happened Donald would never have been elected president and we wouldn’t be so incredibly prosperous, unified, and globally adored today.

When was America great last and when did it stop being great?

I cant attest to this personally because I wasn’t even alive. I would say the 40’s, America came together and won the 2nd world war. I love reading about this period. I think it really captures the American spirit. Here you have America wanting to keep to itself, the depression hits and devastates the entire nation. Germany is marching across Europe and roosevelt wanting to get involved but cant. That is until pearl harbor. We got hit hard. That didnt matter though because America awakened. Our country was one.

I believe the decline was hippies. Again not being alive yet, but watching footage of these kids doing good knows what. Except for music, they seem to have a talent for some great music. Maybe all of that lsd.