Trump lawyers try to put limits on Mueller questions

It doesn’t. It relates to…it doesn’t matter if he sits or not. I’d wager that Mueller has him dead to rights on other crimes than collusion.

Won’t keep him from serving out his term, or his second one should he win the next election.

But that’s part of my point, he has zero to gain by answering any questions Meuller has.

He is incapable of not lying, period.

Lying to Mueller would be a crime.

Michael Cohen’s sloppy business is just the type that Trump has engaged in for a decades.

No, it would not. What is the lifespan of a sealed indictment?

Then he should have been busted before he was singled out for prosecution for the offense of winning the Presidency.

Please clarify, not sure what your point is.

He wasn’t singled out for that. Rather it was all the foreign actors that seemed to collaborate with his campaign.

Sorry you got suckered.

I think Peter is right. I think as long as Trump doesn’t change his policy on Mexicans he can do whatever he wants.

Can you direct me to the statute that makes “collaboration” with foreigners a crime? Why isn’t Nancy Pelosi in jail?

from Pelosi, Vicente Fox plot to defeat Trump | Washington Examiner

On a media tour to promote an anti-Trump, “compassionate, intelligent leadership” agenda, he said that he met with Pelosi at the airport in Mexico City Sunday and discussed ways he can help convince Latin American immigrants in the United States to reject Trump.

“What I’ve been saying here, I told her. Count with us, with all Mexicans, to support the Democratic Party because you’ve done much better with us than the Republican Party,” he said.

Obama literally got away with murder so…

Without agreeing to the interview, he cannot say he cooperated fully with the investigation.

And? So what?

You said there was zero to gain.

I pointed out what that there is something to gain.

You are incorrect.

Ahh well that’s true, a little PR to be had, doesn’t begin to outweigh the risks of letting that loose cannon go into a situation where a lie is a crime.

Which is why the strategy is to attack and delegitimization the investigation to the point that his base doesn’t care that he’s not cooperating with it.

The sad thing is that it’s working on the poor suckers in the Republican Party.

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Oh well at least he didn’t murder two US citizens without due process so republicans hands aren’t quite as dirty as the hands of Democrats.

Yeah, your hostrionics aside, you don’t care about that and you never did.

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If Trump gets into the same room with Mueller, Trump will destroy himself, most likely, for obstruction of justice at the very least.