Trump is vindicated, found not guilty in the Senate. What next?

The against number is bigger than the for number. That’s upside down.

No kidding, welcome to the US justice system.

Refusing to forward money allocated by congress, and signed by the POTUS is not ‘presidential absolute foreign policy’.

Seriously, this is a simple question.

If trump gets away with this, he will do it again.

He will use the power of the presidency to compel foreign governments to help him win the election.

He didn’t refuse to forward it and there was no set date for delivery in the appropriation beyond the end of the calendar year.

They got the aid and during the calendar year.

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Yeah…like pay for a fake dossier, written by a Brit, who used Russian sources, then use that fake dossier as evidence to get a FISA warrant to spy on your opponents campaign…amirite? Oh…wait…:sunglasses:


Wow. That’s weird. Were did you make up that information?

I didn’t make anything up and posted some of the polls that support it.

And I posted polls rebutting your claim. If Americans favor removal(even if narrowly) how is it just left wing partisans and Trump hating never Trumpers?

Check the polling for republicans and independents.

You didn’t post any refutation, you simply posted one poll that’s not in agreement with those that have dem’s upside down on impeachment.

Wow, you’re not reading today. I didn’t post one poll. I posted 538 which lists a whole bunch of polls. And your own post shows multiple polls showing Americans in favor of removal. Are you only believing some of those polls?

I accept this isn’t going the way you folks were hoping.

Believe what you want.

Folks need to continue to beat this drum, if you’re innocent then let those who were there speak so they can exonerate you. If you’re innocent and have all the evidence to clear you, then hand over the evidence. That’s common sense.
He knows he messed up, his lawyers know he messed up, the administration know he messed, the senate know he messed up, hell some of you caping so hard for him know he messed up.
party and power > principle.

Which of the polls from Realclear do you believe?

It isn’t up to the accused to prove their innocence, not in this country anyhow.

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Normal people when on trial take every opportunity to provide evidence that they are innocent.

Sure. But that’s what leads people to misinterpret polls. The gap is so small as to be statistically unreliable.

I love how the GOP is trying to pretend that information surrounding these events will cease to keep coming out

Not if the prosecution fails to make a case. Generally when the prosecution is finished if there is no case a motion for a directed verdict is made and granted.

I neither misread nor misquoted it.