Trump Is Something Else

If one is predisposed especially.

Conan is the most prolific user of the word repugs.

Does that apply to Russian propaganda supporting Trump?

Why? After all, you are so well versed in it.

You do indulge. To excess.

You don’t have to want help to need it! Bipartisan operators are standing by!

Yes. It applies to all propaganda. The important thing is you realize you are not better.

Myth that it was widespread, or that Trump’s policies have fixed the problem.

I absolutely do. Bothsiderism is honest.

Excessively honest.

Those are all positives for his base. I am glad you are happy and appreciate him in his position. Are you sure the rust belt is?

One can never be sure in politics. This is how we got President Trump.

I think Trump will perform well in the rust belt. I base this on economy, immigration, taxation, gun rights, and a more centered Supreme Court.

The opinion of his voters is pretty universal. Would hate to have him as a boss…Love how he runs the executive branch.

Enduring the Mueller “probe” will make Trump a sympathetic persona. Big mistake for D.


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Why is that important to you?

Yeah you are arguing for a position of a wonk not an average voter

Give me a break with this nonsense. To compare claims of racism against Trump and Bush is absolutely preposterous.


This is such a bad argument you’re making. Of course there were some people who called Bush racist, just like there were people who called Obama racist, George H. W. racist, Clinton racist, etc. Those accusations were wrong, but that doesn’t mean when an actual, genuine racist like Donald Trump comes along that we should be silent.


Every Republican criticism of Obama WAS NOT met with cries a racism. You’re making a silly, broad-brush argument that only applies to a small group of people.


Dont forget union workers losing their healthcare to the dems medicare for all


Frequent Posters


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We would be covered under Medicare for all.

With Medical no longer part of our compensation, then that would be a negotiating point to beef up our pensions and wages.

Every time the union negotiates away something, the workers lose. They know they have a great plan now. They wont want to give that up.

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This wouldn’t be “negotiating” away anything.

This would be shifting the cost to a more efficient system that is not tied to hourly compensation.

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