Trump Is Something Else

No, it’s true.

Ok, them.

The last 2 have certainly not improved on them.

When was the last time a republican wasn’t racist?

What do you say?

Now there’s some truth! Finally!

Why is Russian propaganda any worse than any other? Say Brit propaganda?

As opposed to:


Not worse, just more likely to be re-tweeted by the President.

You know, the guy who should be protecting our elections from foreign interference.

Maybe when i was a young man and i’m 66 now. Been a while.

Just change the point I made one whit, as you already know.

I say the acceptance of his pathological lying, giving in to him going around congress for money to spend as he wishes, and the general spinelessness of congress to oversee him will result long term consequences far, far worse than the short term gains his followers perceive now.

Imagine a Democrat declaring health care a national emergency? Or a Democrat with the same hatred and nastiness in office with a spineless Democratic congress?

In 20 years the left AND the right will be very, very sorry they backed this man.

It may not take 20 years and it won’t be the left that takes the hit.

The repugs, by staying quite, can kiss goodbye a whole generation of new voters who will completely turned-off by what they will see as Trump’s racism and the repug party’s failure to call him on it. All the old guys here can spin it however they want, but new voters will see it for what it is…old style racist rhetoric.

So what? Dems paid for Brit interference and you complain about tweeter?

Come on man.

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I’m talking about damage to our whole country.

Presidents with too much power.

Loss US prestige and trust in the world.

Another market crash when his house of cards falls and the fed has no room to maneuver, making the pain worse.

The Final Arbiters said he could do it, so that part’s ok.

To listen to the debates, healthcare is an emergency. I think you © crossed that bridge with obamacare.

Repugs? So ■■■■■■■ is ok?

What do new voters know about old style racist rhetoric? Nothing.

They know it when they see it.

You’re fooling yourself.

No I’m not. “They” believe it when they are told. Propaganda works.

We’ll add defending toxic masculinity to the op list.

Highly effective.