Trump Is Something Else

You are thinking about yourself and not other peoples views. What about the retirees who have that plan as a part of their retirement package. Will they be happy to give it up too? Anyways…I will cede the point to you. Only the election will show who is right. I really hope the dems run on that medicare for all. I fully support them running on it.

That is a big issue!


I work with Union Members who are Trump supporters. People believe all sorts of things.

It doesn’t make sense to me either.

Were you this excessively honest when Obama was president?

But I am better.


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Here’s another article that says the Unions will not like this plan…

Quote the post please.

Are you denying it happened?

So it’s different this time?

Yes, it was.

Ah, a personal attack, excellent!

Is it my fault I can post faster than you can think?


I was right here.

I’m aware. It’s why I’m asking whether you engaged in bothsiderism back in the day when posts critical of Obama were seen with the same frequency as posts about Donald are in the present day.

Of course. I frequently defended the man.

Good on you. I admire your consistency.

■■■■■■■■■ No one is buying this garbage.

Yes. Trump is either a racist or he says racist things for political gain.

The actual answer is he has a life.

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You’re not buying reality?

That’s what you © said about the others. This time you really mean it?

Who has he trolled that didn’t troll him first. I’ll give the “Mexican” judge.