Trump is responsible if Iran builds a nuke

Iran has made their intentions very clear. They want to wipe Israel of the face of the earth. Do you honestly believe Israel will give Iran the means to do exactly that?

We really aren’t dealing with a sane regime in Iran. Sooner or later DEMs will realize that Iran has been broadcasting their intensions for years. They really will follow through if given half a chance.

They won’t be allowed to get Nukes. Ever.

Its a shame Trump got to wipe that legacy out. :rofl:

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It really wasn’t.

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So I would take your response as a yes. Every country that wants a nuke gets one. Got it. :+1:

Funding terrorism by giving Iran billions in cash will be in the history books for sure.


Unfortunately, history is another area where LIBs are taking over. They are systematically rewriting it to fit their LW agenda.

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Threats are just threats. We do it, they do it, everyone does it. Iran isn’t suicidal.

Yes- they will be deterred by MAD.

Being a state sponsor of terror is irrelevant to the calculus of whether they’d be deterred by MAD or not.

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US conservatives believe that every individual has the God-given right to defend themselves by force, and although I don’t believe in the “God-given” part, I agree. So why don’t countries have the same right? I don’t see the distinction.

I’m not so worried about Iran themselves launching a nuclear strike. That would be suicide. I believe the more likely scenario is that a nuclear weapon is delivered by proxy. Proliferation of nuclear weapons to terrorist organizations would be my greatest fear were Iran to perfect the technology.

Every country does have a right to defend themselves. They don’t have a right to a nuclear weapon.

That’s as silly a worry as it was when Bush tried to convince us Saddam would do it.

You disagree that Iran is not suicidal?

Do you believe in an individual’s right to protect themselves with force? What about a country’s right to defend itself?

So are you advocating that we simply sit back and enjoy the ride?


You caught me in mid edit. Respond to my most recent update.

Why do we have that right, then?

So then what is your solution? Kick the can down the road? Let the cards fall where they may?

Okay, but isn’t that exactly what liberals say about gun rights? You can defend yourself but you don’t need an AR to do it?

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If Israel were to attack Iran to stop them from getting nukes I’m pretty sure Israel would regret it. It wouldn’t be hard for Iran to retaliate