Trump is hijacking 4th of July- changing it from a national celebration to a campaign event

Frederick Douglas, MLK, Thomas Edison, Wright brothers, Jackie Robinson, many others acknowledged. The military has been important to maintain many of the US freedoms.

The left’s attitude criticizing everything the president says

My Dad landed on Omaha on D-Day too. 1st Div, 16th Inf. He came ashore late morning.

He passed away a few years ago at age 96.


tan suits and mustard.

Love the Donald has repeatedly said that the military is defending the flag. Not what the flag symbolizes and represents, libs - THE FLAG ITSELF. :us:

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“Humming shores?”

That was…breathtaking. Thank you, President Trump! :us:

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May God bless him, think of our fortune that they both survived, neither of us would be here if they didn’t.

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Oh that is so sad.

I think he said their ports not airports.

The reverse shots that they had of the mall while the flybys were happening looked to me to show a pretty well attended event.

The speech was a C+.

A C because it was bland and boring. The + because he didn’t crap himself.

CNN pundit general consensus: it was fine, like a wikipedia history lesson.

What i thought when watching, he read a list of things that happened.

But how sad the camera was shut off (if it wasn’t an accident) thinking they would have a miserable turnout.

Completely unobjectionable and uninspiring at the same time.

I think the fourth is about America in general and what makes it great not just the military.

for Canada day its about what makes us Canadian, and celebrating our culture and diversity.

It was also about our flag, which our military defends.

YEAH and he couldn’t do that right! :roll_eyes: He used teleprompter at a Medal of Honor ceremony, which is as tacky as you can get, and gave the MOH to a “corpse-man”. :astonished:

Trump seem to think so, I had lots of fun on Canada day watching live music, eating poutine and other foods, It was generally a very laid back.

this celebration doesn’t seem so much fun more like forced patriotism.

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Sad! Boring! #tedious


57 States!