Trump is hijacking 4th of July- changing it from a national celebration to a campaign event

Trump could literally turn water into wine and liberals would complain about enablism. Don’t take them seriously.

He is losing the crowd.

He said it before, he could be so presidential if he wanted to be but they’d be bored and he wouldn’t get crowds at his rallies. So every once in awhile he reads a script. Then he goes back to having fun.

And on the script days we are supposed to do what?

My father went to Omaha Beach, still living.


Kinda low energy.

He has nothing to say, he’s reading a book report.

In his heart he likes the ones that don’t get captured.

I blame his advisors. Clearly he was told not to go off script. He’s not effective when he has to play someone else’s game. There’s still time for him to do his thing though.

Let him get through the prepared speech for each branch of the military, and then perhaps Donald will infuse some energy into the festivities.

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NEWS FLASH the popular vote doesn’t count when electing a President and there is a Constitutional reason for that as a way to preserve the Republic. The United States has never been majority win Democracy and our founding fathers were geniuses.

Seems a good time to post this again.

He’s doing fine, but his ego will be insufferable for months. More so than usual lol.


Oh I hear you! I know the EC wins the presidency, and Donald won it in a landslide of historic proportions! But if the Deep State hadn’t of allowed millions of illegals to vote, he would have crushed the popular vote as well!


Its more they didn’t want poor people to pick the President.

Something is wrong here. Donald should be crushing this. What have they done to him?

Remember when people made fun of Obama from reading from the TelePrompTer?

how long is Trump going to go on about how amazing the military is.

MSNBC pathetic, instead of showing this patriotic event, is showing a rerun of the partisan Democratic Presidential debates attacking him. Hold off just a little, he’s not attacking Democrats.

I think two more branches to go.

There’s always “Southside With You”

Glad we took those airports from the British, never could have won our independence without that happening…lol

Is anyone else actually watching?

This is simply amazing.

Thank you Lord President Trump.