Trump: "I know a lot about wind" (3-28-2019)

Ditto. I don’t know a single person who lost theirs. However everyone I know is either working for a employer who provides healthcare or they are state/federal employees.

Or any adverse health affects. He’s down the rabbit hole of chemtrail-level cyberhoax.


The sun king vs the headless king ;p

Well let’s just stick to coal burning and petroleum…those have noooo negative health issues

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Which ironically actually do contribute to cancer.

Not factually. None of the papers I read on exxons website showed any relationship so. Fake news propaganda created by solyndra and co

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Oil is made of carbon. We’re made of carbon. It’s good for us…

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I kind of knew that a Republican’s words about trump being idiotic wouldn’t last as a thread by itself. That’s too harsh.

So is CO2; good luck just breathing in CO2 or CO.

Methink sarcasm detector need to be recalibrated a tad ;p

Sorry; we have had to put up with flatearthers here in Australia who think more CO2 is better.

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:joy: ok thanks buddy

You linked to an anti-wind power lobbying group who is throwing out half truths. Got anything legitimate?

Cherry picked data found on the website of a political action group is not an article.

Wind Wise Massachusetts is a statewide alliance of grass roots organizations and individuals who are concerned about the negative health, environmental and economic impacts of poorly-sited wind turbines.

In their defense… they live in australia where spider the size of my face eats snake the size of my car, sharks the size of boats chill in beautiful water and a single person can own more land then most of the Eastern seaboard states… Your country kinda incites weirdoes to be weirdoes ;p

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To put it into perspective my state, Western Australia, is about three times the size of Alaska. I think the description of the size of our spiders and snakes might be slightly hyperbolic in nature.

You are probably right about the size of some of our cattle stations.

It sounds by the way as though you are trying to describe some FNQs ( far north Queenslanders).

I may or may not have unreasonable fear of snakes… And maybot may not believe Tremors to be based of real Australian critters

Stay outta Florida.

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I moved as far away from the south as I could while still on then mainland

I think our animals are very much misunderstood.