Trump Getting Rid of Regulations Helps the Economy More Than Most Anything He Has Done

No, it’s historically been economically depressed and it still very much is.

Where is this place you’re arguing from? Because we have numbers for all of this stuff, and none of them are supporting your arguments.

regulation is important mostly for health and safety.

Real men stand up to black lung.

I’m a sticker for the rules, I will refuse to take a single second of dose (radiation) unless I have to I don’t care what my boss scream about.

He has none. He doesn’t even understand the difference between local building codes (which aren’t business regulations by the way) and federal regulations. Laughably ignorant but invincibly so, so just leave him alone.

Regulations prevent people from choosing their profession. Libs try to force lifestyle choices under the guise of regulations when really they want to kill off industries they deem offensive

What is sad is that some believe that! :astonished:

Just facts on the ground, ma’am.

Roxiebelle it’s all they have left. They know they cant go after president trump’s record so they make up lies and skew statistics to make him seem bad even though we can all see how well the economy is doing.

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How are the facts being screwed? Obama’s best quarter is higher than Trump’s best quarter in terms of GDP growth. Every single year of Obama’s second term added more jobs than Trump’s first year.

Facts. Unskewed. Just numbers.

What was gdp growth when Obama left office e and what is it now?

K, show the quarter where GPD was higher under Trumps term so far. That way no one can skew anything and you can spike your football.

Also, why is that those with literally nothing to contribute are always the loudest in the room?

Ummm, thats not what was being discussed. Do keep up…

But nice attempt at moving the goal posts.

What’s more appropriate than looking at Obama’s entire term vs trumps entire term? Theres no comparison because Obama kept the economy in neutral. The only reason trump cant create any more jobs is because we’ve already created so many in spite of Obama that we dont need many more

LMFAO… I have no words. This is just a level of idiocy thats hard to comprehend.

Go pick any graph you want of your choosing that demonstrates economic performance under Obama and come back here with it and show us the economy was kept in neutral. This should be good… lol.


Lol, we created so many jobs under Obama that Trump can’t really create that many more, and this is why Trump’s economy is so much better than Obama’s.



Businesses create jobs. Obama did everything he could to prevent that. Trump is doing everything he can to help.

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I believe “strongly” is the word you were looking for, per the bigly example of der Trumpenfuhrer.

And yet the last seven quarters of Obama had greater job growth than the first seven of Trump. Odd, that, dontcha think?

I believe “empty barrels make the most noise” is how General Kelly put it…

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