Trump Getting Rid of Regulations Helps the Economy More Than Most Anything He Has Done

The Obama economy was propped up by trillions from the fed

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Add “himself” to the end of your post and you got it.

That doesn’t even make sense

Many of the regulations which Trump takes credit for “eliminating” were reversals of recent regulations by Congressional review before they ever took effect. Many if not most of the rest are tied up in court because the Trump admin took shortcuts around the Administrative Procedure Act requirements, along the lines of the Keystone XL which is now dead in the water again because the statutory process wasn’t followed.

This “eliminate 20 for every one” is nonsensical in any case, since it takes a regulation to eliminate a regulation (i.e., the process to eliminate a regulation legally is the same as the process to promulgate one).

Regulations aren’t supposed to grow the economy. That’s not their goal.

Just like speed bumps aren’t there to make cars go faster.

Did this sentence really make sense in your head?

Seriously…did it?

You can’t tell me purple orange rutabega.

Look at Wankel Rotary Engine.

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Exactly! Well said!

Thanks Obama.

Ahh so you’re saying the economy was good then

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No, it was sluggish, low growth. In my area it was at depression levels. It was propped up by trillions from the fed just to do what little it did. Obama understood nothing of the economy as all socialist’s. He ran up the debt to just barely keep the economy from drowning. His excessive red tape & regulations was very detrimental & totalitarian, he’s a control freak as are all socialist’s, & most of his economic policies was detrimental, as are all socialist’s economic idea’s.

Name 1 regulation that Trump removed to help the Coal Industry increase jobs by 4%?

Nah. Much easier to just say stuff.

somebody told me once that a trillion is a million million

try to wrap your brain around that

i think a million could fit in a duffel bag

now picture a million duffel bags

bags all the way down the street

or you could just picture a million football fields

with one each having a million football players on it

yeah that image is easier

now i get it

We are on track to solid yearly 3% GDP growth. Something Obama could only dream about. He had pretty much stated that that kind of sustained GDP growth was a relic of the past.

You can see the massive change in job creating when Trump was elected just by looking at the graph, you don’t even need any dates.

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We need 3.4% Q4 growth to get 2.95% annual growth (which rounds up to 3% in the report). To get actual 3% annual growth, we need 4.1% in Q4. Most forecasts are tracking at 2.8 or below for Q4. We are most likely not going to hit 3% this year.

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My prediction is that we come in around 2.5% for Q4. Which is not terrible considering the negative factors contributing to a general slowing of economic growth. But it will not get us to 3% annualized.

How so???

1st quarter 2.2; 2nd quarter 4.2%; 3rd quarter 1st estimate 3.5%; Depending where the 3rd quarter lands, we would need 2.1% in the 4th quarter if the 3rd quarter 3.5% holds.

In the OPs example about having to move a fire alarm pull…some one was put to work to make that change.