Trump gets his ass handed to him again, this time for $364 Million and a 3 year ban from doing business in New York

it’s BS because you don’t like what you’re hearing


DJT down another 10% today to $36.

Yikes this is getting uglier faster than expected.

I expect it will settle around $25-30 for a while before heading below $10 eventually.

What’s the float?

Don’t know. It is very difficult to borrow or it would be down even more.

The refusal for them to give any indication on when they will be profitable does not help.

34 bucks a share today.

Barnum was right.

insiders made a killing, leaving the trump supporters like zippy holding the bag.


same as the trump casino that went belly up.

from the washington post June 17, 2016.

“Many of those who lost money were Main Street shareholders who believed in the Trump brand, such as Sebastian Pignatello, a retired private investor in Queens. By the time of the 2004 bankruptcy, Pignatello’s 150,000 shares were worth pennies on the dollar”

its deja vu, all over again.

trump got a 5,000,000 bonus and a private jet.

the investors……well


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Good to know I still live in your head rent free.


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i feel bad you lost money along with the suc….er…ah….investors.


If Trump dumps his stock in six months will the Maga crowd still have faith in Truth Social or will we see olympic class mental gymnastics explaining how Trump dumping his stock actually shows how much he believes in TS long term.

By the time Trump is allowed to sell, DJT will likely be below $10 a share.

As soon as he sells his first 1M shares the stock will tank to $2-3 a share.

So he is better off hanging on to it and hoping someday they can find a strategy.

You would be hard pressed to find someone willing to buy his entire position in DJT for more than $100mm.

turth social is worth a lot less the 100.


When the co-founders are wanting to get put early it does not exactly make a serious investor have confidence in a company.

The fine/disgorgement wasn’t reduced - just the bond was.

My point was that it…what ever it was…It was EXCESSIVE.
Who in their right mind can expect a judge to be REASONABLE.
That’s my second point.

Is 5 dollars excessive when it comes to this case?

OMG people still fall for this :sob: :sob: :sob:

This clown is just using you like a mule.

Trump sending out the DingBat signal.

They must be on the verge of bankruptcy for him to be shilling like that.

I wonder how many maga cultists who jave complained about the increase in prices recently and how a grocery shop has become a struggle have invested hard earned savings in this scam.

The fact that Trump is shilling people to invest even more is just more proof its a pump and dump scheme for him. He will cash out in six months and will make a nice tody sum.

If he genuinely believes in his product he will not cash out.

In a case that is not a case in the first place, YES it is excessive.