Trump gets his ass handed to him again, this time for $364 Million and a 3 year ban from doing business in New York

The stock has been trading for a week. You do know that stock value fluctuates, right?
As does the DOW and the other indexes.

DJT “fluctuating” again.

Stock down 18% today.

Another Trump grift.


I just hope you shorted the stock :rofl:

DJT “fluctuating” again.

Stock down 18% today.

Another Trump grift.[/quote]

They have filed to issue millions of more shares of DJT and are devaluing the stock even further.

Anyone who bought at the IPO price and the first few hours of it’s price highs are royally ■■■■■■■

stock is down like crazy today.

got the okay from Wall street to issue another 21,000,000 shares to suc….er…ah……investors. thus diluting the current shares.

company to investors: the fickle of fate award.

had enough yet….


Gen Pop got to access the stock around $70.

For those still holding… that is a ~60% loss in like three weeks.

Hell even the institutional investors who bought in at $49… they are down 45%.

It’s a grift and the stock will ultimately land around $2 a share.

Deep state is facilitating the drop. If not for the deep state the price would be much much higher.

Garland and Obama


The sad thing is how many buy into this ■■■■■■■■■

Wait. There are people who thought Truth Social was a successful business venture?

They didn’t even look at the basics of the company financials?

Oh my Lord.

have they ever been on it. doubtful.

they are just trump supporters supporting.


Dow down 2072.26 over the last three weeks and down 1248.55 over the last five days. Thank you Brandon.

DJT down 60% over the same period.

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One stock vs the whole market. Thank you Brandon.

It’s the only stock we are talking about in the conversation you jump into.

DJT is down further than the overall stock market during the same period. Your point about the overall market is irrelevant.

Thanks Trump

It may be the stock you are focused on, but it’s hardly unique. It is just one among many currently losing value.

Thanks Brandon.

Besides, what do you care? You don’t own any of it, do you?

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Of course Trumps social media platform is going to be a matter of discussion. Trump is such a blowhard about everything that he brings it on himself.

So now the question I want to ask is who on this forum took a punt on Trumps newest grift I mean investment.

Not it may be… it was. It is unique because not every stock lost 60% of its value in 3 weeks. Far outpacing losses in the market overall.

Thanks Trump.

Why do you care? Do you own the stock?

I don’t care. I’m just pointing out how stupid the focus on Trump stock is.

That’s not quite true, I do care about the DJA. It affects the value of my IRA … which flourished under Trump and has lacked performance under Biden.

So … Thanks Brandon.

Well get used to it.

The former President is the majority shareholder of a business that did $4 million in revenue in 2023 and has a value of $4 billion.

It is absurd. It is a grift. And we will all watch with glee/horror as it slides into oblivion over the next several months.