Trump gets his ass handed to him again, this time for $364 Million and a 3 year ban from doing business in New York

How strange By that logic no issues should be discussed. Btw if you think fentanyl is only coming across the southern border you are woefully uninformed.

But yes all the others at that meeting were all really discussing Trump. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:.

Cons these days are always the victim and Trump is the most victimized individual in American today :roll_eyes:

it was just tourists. the right has told me so.

andrew clyde

. “You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January the 6th, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”


Careful, your hatred is showing.

Not true. Former President Trump is the only one standing between us and our victimizers. If he hadn’t committed fraud and had a disgorgement levied against him then we poor innocents who don’t commit fraud would have the liberal hit squads gunning for us.

and there is nothing at all to suggest that Huner’s business partners met with VP Biden when they visited the office across the hall from him 17 times and thanked Hunter in emails for the meet!

Its all a game


fani is not a state AG

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I was talking about Letitia James.

This will fluctuate of course.

Even if only for a day still a hilarious irony after all the censorship and bias against Trump.


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quick reminder - we see what’s going on. sorry

(not that it matters)


I’d recommend, don’t go to Twitter (X) for accurate news and information.


Yes, whatever you do don’t believe any media that goes against the left’s narrative.

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Twitter posts aren’t media even if the media sometime treats it as news

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Yet a whole lotta leftists get their news from Facebook.

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Found guilty by WHOM?
BTW…look at the “fine” he was supposed to pay… :thinking:
It got reduced by 2/3… by sober heads.
That tells ya that corrupt prosecutors and justices on the Left have tendency to gnaw at Trump’s ass more than the Lady Justice would lets them.
So…found “guilty” equals to my neighbor suing my dog for unconsectual sex with my pooch and calling it rape.
:dancer: :clap: :dancer:
So…found guilty… :roll_eyes: :rofl: BY WHOM.

Well no. His “fine” didn’t get reduced. His bond got reduced while he appeals the original fine.

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Complete ■■■■■■■■ unless something more than a tweet is presented.

Yes that’s not better. Facebook is dominated by 50+ crowd…. Who are often conservative so it’s funny that you referenced Facebook. But again that’s not better.

No it was not reduced by any amount.


What is this?

“that’s what you are, what am I”

Type of response.

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Yeah…the bond, thank you.
You’d think it would stay if it’s ‘Legit’…wouldn’t you.
We’re dealing here with the same old:
It’s not that he is guilty or that there is a crime in the first place…it’s the SERIOUSNESS of the crime we’re accusing him of, THAT’s what we’re dealing with.