Trump gets his ass handed to him again, this time for $364 Million and a 3 year ban from doing business in New York

didn’t happen

Denial of reality.

It’s okay.

belief in fantasy, its okay

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If it didn’t happen then why are there people pleading guilty and lawyers getting disbarred over it?

You keep skipping two steps ahead.


Lawfare works if we let it.

What steps am I skipping?

Consequences for illegal acts.

That’s the spirit!

If you believe that the entire legal system is working against Trump and acting illegally just to punish him no matter what then it really is impossible to have a meaningful discussion.

Conspiracy theories are easy because no matter what facts are presented they are dismissed as part of the conspiracy.

For example the reduction of Trumps bond proved the system is not stacked against him but a conspiracy theorist will argue that the decision was part of a wider scheme to provide the illusion of fairness.

As with all conspiracies against Trump the sheer number of people that would need to be part of the conspiracy at different levels and in different orgs, courts, states etc is just not feasible to coordinate, let alone keep secret.

On one hand the Democrats are totally inept and incapable of governing but on the other hand they are capable of creating, operationalizing and maintaining a conspiracy against Trump unlike anything else this country has seen.

Trump supporters obviously do not subscribe to the theory of Occam’s Razor.

There is clearly a politically motivated goal that is over riding the legal process and arguments in every case.

Every one of them.

There are plenty of White House visits that need examined in due time.


No. Just proved that judge perv was attempting to bankrupt him in order to derail his presidential campaign, James made it clear that they were going to single him out, same can be said of the perjurer willis who saw prosecution of Trump as a way to skim funds.

How many trips to the White House between the lot of them to coordinate with the biden admin, 5,6?


Those White House visits are very problematic.

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So the court that heard the appeal on the bond is not part of this conspiracy. Hmm seems a little short sighted by the puppet masters not to ensure they had the appeals angle all sewn up and in their pocket.

You mean the WH visit which logs show that she attended an event with a large audience on the South Lawn to celebrate the confirmation of Jackson to the SC?

Or the visit where James attended a meeting with the VP on the Fentanyl crisis?

Whats the issue with these visits. They were part of her official duties and there is nothing at all to indicate she met Biden.


Trump only hires the best.

Donald Trump sued two former contestants on The Apprentice, his hit NBC reality show, who became co-founders of Trump Media and Technology Group, claiming they failed to set up the venture properly and should not get promised stock worth more than $400m.

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Sure…the fentanyl crisis…Gotcha… :wink:

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Why would the white house not want to discuss that with State AG’s? Are you saying the meeting never took place and other AGs are part of this conspiracy?

I take it you are now satisfied with the first visit which took place on the South Lawn with a large audience.

But if you believe that she is conspiring with the WH no amount of logical explanations will be sufficient. Again this is the beauty of believing in conspiracies the conspiracy just evolves to counter any logical or factual evidence.

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So now he believes in the US legal system?

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Do you enjoy coloring books as much as colorful fairy tales?

Nobody knows what may have been discussed.

Fentanyl is crossing the border not the White House lawn. What a sad joke.

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